Why is my JW faith so vacant? It could have to do with the fact that WT's official position on the Bible is that is has been altered over time, and they have done their best to "restore" it the way they think it must have been, despite have zero manuscript evidence to do so. But this only got me studying more in depth the history of JW teachings, and caused me lose faith in the Bible.
What can you conclude if a religion has made literally hundreds of changes to its teachings in just over 100 years? What if they go back and forth several times on the same teachings? What if some of the teachings are just so bizarre, they only teach it once or twice, and just never address the subject again, hoping nobody noticed?
Some would say the "light of truth is getting brighter" but I have another take on this historical evidence. History DOES repeat itself, so as far as WT goes, we can certainly expect more of the same as we have recently witnessed (ha) regarding 1935 not being the end of calling the anointed, and of course the Generation of 1914 changes. This has led me to to a broader conclusion regarding all of Christendoms religions, but especially WT,.... NOBODY HAS A FRIKKIN CLUE WHAT THE BIBLE MEANS!!!! If the Bible is all corrupted and unverifiable, which it probably is, then what is the point? If the Bible is intact, then the thousands of variations on what it means, and the ongoing changes to teachings proves it is impossible to know for certain what it really means. Does this makes sense, and I mean in an analytical way?.......................oompa
too much time has gone by