This is by far the most horrible bizzare med I have ever taken. Do the side effects diminish with time? I can't get any straight answers from the neuro. or Google
Anyone taking Topamax?
by BrentR 14 Replies latest watchtower medical
I know someone taking it for their bipolar and they are having good results. It's the first time I have known someone to take it for this. Have your tried looking up info online?
There is alot of info about side effects but nothing about if they go away or diminish over time. I am taking it for severe head and face pain from left trigeminal nerve damage from viral meningitis. It's working pretty good at controlling the pain but the side effects are almost unbearable. It's a nasty catch 22, damned if I do take it, damned if I don't take it. In three weeks I have lost 28 lbs. which makes it one hell of a diet pill but I would not recommend it though.
Hated it, hated it. Talk to another Neurologist about changing to something else. Too many stupamax horror stories to mention on here.
Like sudden extreme fits of rage? Memory loss? Confusion? Insomnia? Fatique? Confusion? Can't concentrate? Food tastes horrible? No apatite? No sex drive? Strange smells? Ringing in your ears? 28 Lbs in three weeks, is that weight loss or anorexia?
Those types of stories? I have gone through several meds allready and this one is the only one that is working. Imatrex and Depakote were completly worthless.
My hubby takes it and as far as he knows he's not having any side effects from it but then again he does take about 13 meds a day
I am afraid to take it but the headaches are getting so bad, I might reconsider.
Cluster or migraine?
Have you done any research on Lyrica? I know people who have taken Depakote and Topamax -(myself included), and have had much better success with Lyrica, and helps with pain too...
My hubby takes it and as far as he knows he's not having any side effects from it but then again he does take about 13 meds a day
That would make it tough to isolate a particular side effect for sure.
From what I have read most people "abandon ship" before they ever find out if they if can adapt to it or if the effects taper off somewhat. I will ask the neurologist about lyrica next week. Thanks for letting me know about it. That's supposed to be the docs job, right? Instead we end pitching a fit and getting into thier face before we get any action from them sometimes.