You won't believe this...well maybe you will

by mrsjones5 22 Replies latest social family

  • Layla33
    That reminds me of the time that I told my husband that this guy wanted to be my internet friend. He said "Just as long as the mofo don't come up to my door!".

    Funny stuff, my ex husband was the same way. I think we know our limits, but having opposite sex friends can be harmless and rewarding. In this situation (the topic) I would enjoy it for what it is worth, but I would have my back foot down in case my radar went off.

  • greendawn

    It is unusual for someone in an environment that seeks to poison all interaction with the outside world to be so easy going on this issue perhaps he is also on his way out.

  • joelbear69

    he's lonesome. he probably didn't get many

    heartfelt condolences.

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