by badboy 25 Replies latest jw friends
Unfortunately thats a negative on the interogative. They believe that reading an Awake and attending the theo school is higher education.
Tired of the Hypocrisy
The ones that have given me the impression that they have some more than a high school education were faking it. I suppose they were trying to rise above their peers but had no success. The ones that actually did have higher education or at least highr intelligence tended to bully others and take advantage of the weaker minded in the flock.
Justitia Themis
A judge (female) and a commercial airline pilot (first female Air Force pilot to fly supersonic)..
In Mississippi we had a retired Air Firce Colonel who worked at Nasa during the first moon walk. He was a mathematician, his claim to fame was being on the team that calulated everything that went into the moon shot.
yes, male doctor and female doctor in the same congregation. That was in the mid to late 80's. I heard that the male doctor left JW for good. He was at Bethel. His name is James Harper. Anyone know him?
Back in the 60's we had a dentist in our congregation back in cleveland. He has since moved to California. Then we had a fellow who found the troof while he was in Harvard med school to be a doctor and he dropped out, The last I heard he was driving a meat wagon, that was back in the 70's. We did have an elder who was a 5th grade teacher and his wife was a nurse, R.N. I think they worked for the publishing company their whole lifes.
The Dentist was Dr. David Hader, the last I heard he was in California. Anyone hear of him. He was a nice guy.
In the first congregation I attended the male with the highest level of education was a Junior College drop-out. I have no idea how far he actually got before he dropped out.
Among the women there was on ADN (Associate Degree in Nursing) at one point. Then another lady got an ADN and went on to get her BSN. When I got my A.A (Associate of Arts), I became the male with the highest education in my congregation. When I got my B.S., I continued to be the most educated male in my congregation. If I went back to the first congregation I attended, I would tie with the BSN for the top spot as far as an education goes.
Weird thing is some elders were HE lecturers!!
How does that fit in with WT ethics?
Wait till your pension time matures?
Bullshite - whilst telling youngsters its satans hand they can keep speaking the part and being an elder!!!
WT rules are full of double standard and shunning for the ones they want in place and then expect everyome to think god has spoken!!
The double standard proves god hasn't spoken and proves their whole castles of belief are built on sand!
yes - me !!