Hey yall, I'm looking for some more scandals of the WBTS. I know the UN one, of course different pedophile ones, their involvement with ANCA, and I'm learning the deal on the Bible printing they did for some folks in Thailand. I just need some more logs to put on my fire, I'm hoping to hear anything and everything, with links please if possible. Thank-you..........I love this site. Blessings.......
I need some more JW scandals/hypocrisies to add to my list..........
by middleman 41 Replies latest watchtower scandals
There's the Malawi/Mexico double standard (hypocrisy)
The Tacoma Parking Scam http://www.watchtowernews.org/tacomapark.htm
Whoa. You've got a lot of homework to get done.
Let google be your guide.
This sites 'scandals' section is a good place too. (Not to mention the 'blood' section and 'child abuse' section.) You'll need to go way back in these sections to gain what you are looking for.
Many a great folk DID this homework and it is all over the net now.
Happy trails!
Sincerely, sKally
38 Years
The Pyramid Memorial on Russell's Grave. Don't forget about the part where he died on Halloween and was buried in a toga (according to his wishes). Here's the site with pics:
jonathan adabe
I have written to the Governing Body (some time ago now), asking them to clarify their use of the words 'soon', 'near at hand' and imminent when publishing about the nearness of Armageddon. When discussing this subject with Witnesses at the door, and other contacts via E/Mail, it seems that most Witnesses come to the defence of the Govening Body by answering for them with suggestions that Armageddon could be tomorrow or even 100 years time, even adding that it may not be in our lifetimes. (The Govening Body of course failed to answer!) I find the use of such terms as 'soon' and 'near at hand' is deceiptful in so far as it gives readers the impression that all our problems will be solved in the very, very, near future. I find it scandalous that the millions of Witnesses in 3rd world countries who suffer terribly from poverty, sickness and lack of medical care are mis-led into believing that their problems will be solved in the Paradise Earth providing they get into 'the Ark of Safety'. This scandal is the main reason for membership numbers in the 3rd world now swamping those of Western Nations where life-conditions are so much better. I believe that if the Governing Body were to publish that Armageddon may not be in our life-time then the door-to-door ministry would collapse, and membership numbers would collapse. The Governing Body scandalously push the urgency of doing more door-to-door work on the mis-use of language.
their involvement with ANCA,
What is this that you speak of.........
Watchtower celebrates the birthday of the World Health Organization!
Pagan celebration "named" by a Jehovah's Witness (in good standing), who also ate bowls of "blood stew" publicly! (Pagan according to WT doctrine).