I also used to reason that they were probably a species of apes or forgeries - anything to make myself believe we as JWs' were right
I would say I went along with this, but there was always a "But, what if...?" in the back of my mind.
by LouBelle 21 Replies latest jw friends
I also used to reason that they were probably a species of apes or forgeries - anything to make myself believe we as JWs' were right
I would say I went along with this, but there was always a "But, what if...?" in the back of my mind.
My experience was similar to the rest of you guys.
Eventually though, the solid scientific foundation for evolution forced me to be intellectually honest. Once I started down that road there was no going back.
No special human creation, hence no original sin, hence no need for a savior, hence no basis for the Bible's wild claims that there would be an Armageddon....
It didn't take too long to realize that the whole Dub/Borg constuct of reality was a house of cards.
I think we all got the carbon dating is wrong talk. It didn't make sense to me,even as a kid that if the dinosaurs got washed away in the flood how come clusters of fosilized eggs have been found intact ? And if there were no polar ice caps before the flood why do we find layers of ice going back tens of thousands of years when sample cores are extracted?
I used to feel that dating methods used were wrong because dubs are supposed to believe the world is only 7,000 years old. I actually thought the creation book was intellectual and correct on everything! My friend pointed me to a website that analyzed the entire book and showed how the borg cleverly used partial quotes to mislead people into thinking that professionals agree with their teachings, but when you look at the entire context of which the quote(s) were taken, it's obvious that their intended meaning was changed. And there's one guy that's quoted prominently as an expert, but he was actually some quack who never went to college and believed in aliens or something.
This actually happened about a year ago, but at the time, cognitive dissonance didn't allow me to really understand how manipulative and cultish this religion is...
Firstly Welcome icingheart, belatedly.
Someone mentioned that site recently but I've not been able to find it. Could anyone help locate it please?
I think I just found it!
Well I was told that radio carbon dating is wrong because of the water canopy that was above the earth didn't let all the radiation down to the earth that hits the earth now. so its worng. Duh I must have believed everything I was told w/o question.
Thanks for the link! It'll be nice to go over it with an open mind :)
To me this was part of the Doublethink. I used to think it made sense that man has been around a long time, AND it made sense that man's been around a lot shorter than that, and we just don't really know. I just believed both a little and it was just another issue of doublethink that was piling on...
robert7 - doublethink ja that pretty much says it all