ZOMG it's a conspiracy!!!!
The Illuminati! Arrrgh!
by What-A-Coincidence 29 Replies latest jw friends
ZOMG it's a conspiracy!!!!
The Illuminati! Arrrgh!
Beta Male:
this film was so bad i suspect its an April Fools joke, i really do.
It could easily be. Unfortunately it's a genre that defies parody. There's no idea so ludicrous that the likes of What-A-Coincidence would find it too far-fetched.
Alas, Bob Dobbs! I knew him, Horatio.
If I kiss Bob Dobb's ass, will Hank get offended? Will he withhold the million bux?
oh... yeah... the movie... "Esoteric Agenda". What a piece of crap that was. It makes Zeitgeist look like a Cecil B. DeMille production. The narrator can't read well, mumbles and stumbles about. I stopped it after learning that a major portion of the Jewish religion was about worshipping Saturn. Their holy day is Saturn-day, you know. Man! What crap!
Nathan Natas, You KNOW that Ass kissing is'nt what "Bob" requires, he wants you to "Kill bob", and to "Pull the wool over your OWN eyes."
The other thing you pointed out is more serious. Many if not most of these lately are thinly disguised re-tellings of anti-semitic propaganda like "The protocols of the learned elders of Zion" and other such bullshit.
Grave of Charles Taze Russel. [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/endtimedeception/pyr_3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/endtimedeception/pyr_2.jpg[/IMG] US DollarBill [IMG]http://www.tommillington.com/intern4.jpg[/IMG] Charles Taze Russel;Chart_from_Divine_Plan_of_the_ages [IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/3/3c/Chart_from_Divine_Plan_of_the_ages.GIF/300px-Chart_from_Divine_Plan_of_the_ages.GIF[/IMG] Templars symbol. [IMG]http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/templar.jpg[/IMG]
Yes barbitone, we've already heard all that.
I also wanted to slap the guy every time he said PROHESISED
marking this thread to read when I am awake