Talking about a girl and her parents refusing medical care for prayer and god.
Headline News Nancy Grace right now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by 5go 11 Replies latest social current
Kara Neumann died from diabetes after 30 days of suffering.
Ouch it is good!
One of the lawyers tried the religious freedom angle and was shut down in one second by Nancy.
It's over now.
Talk radio in Milw, Wi had a show about the case last week. An apparent ex jw called in and related how she was actually a triplet but one died due to her parents no blood stance. She no longer followed her parents religion (came out as jw). Her parents lost 'custody' for a short while so the courts could take over care of her and her remaining sibling. I had called into the show previously with the case about Dennis who at 14 died due to no blood and another ex jw called in after me. The public and the host of the show had no real clue, guess I should write a letter, yet again.
She needs to mention jw's and blood issues
WAC, will you let her know?
The radio station I mentioned is owned by the local newspaper that did not run many AP articles about jw's. I wrote and wrote again to no avail! They refused to run the AP articles! If you write let me know, I'll write too! I have written many news sources and others to make them aware but we need a huge influx of letters to make a difference, in my opinion. I'm talking bagfulls that inundate the newsroom, that alone would make news.
I know a brother who works at the local TV station and will throw away letters from apostates. He bragged about it once in a talk and said it was every witnesses responsiblity to protect the organization. Seems like destroying mail thats not for you would be a federal offense!
I would suggest mailing your letters return receit signature required and if you get no response call and make sure that they are getting to who they belong to. You might just have a cock blocker in the mail room.
The Nothing Man
Ever get the feeling that you are talking to yourself 5go? ;)