So, my family won't leave me alone about my PTSD.
My sister calls me at my work cause she wants me to go to some natural reflexology place or something yesturday.
My mother calls me twice last night. I call her back today. Blah, blah, blah something about I might have a thyroid problem, get a second opinion, get a physical...
Then she said, "you know Cognac, most people are going to die at Armagheddon..." (She brought that up cause I had a talk with them stating I don't believe billions of people are going to die at the big A.) I told her that I felt that way since I was 6 and it's nothing new. I told her I just felt comfortable saying it now because of the new light that was brought out in the April mags. I told her that it seems to me that her and Dad are behind on the new light and they should read those mags.
She asked me when I usually take my meds. I said at the meetings. She quickly changed the subject and said she she's going to do more research on my meds and my dr...
I only take the meds when I need it. Today was the 1st day I had to take it at work...
Next time they call I think I'll have hubby answer it and just say I can no longer talk about it. It's stressing me out...
Anyways, last night I ran into 1 of the elders at my hall who asks me if I'm inviting other people in service. (I typically work with my hubby so that we can go out to breakfast or whatever and don't go out.) I was on the phone. So, he see's I'm on the phone, and just says, "oh, nevermind, I'll just ask your husband."
My husband hears him talking to me cause we were right in front of my house, now he's stressed out because this elder is a pain in the a**...
Arrrr, thanks for listenning to my rant...
PS. Sorry if this topic is everywhere. I'm just irritated and can't think straight...