Sometimes I get flak for not having more "spiritual" associates. The reason I don't really care for pioneers is that whatever interests or hobbies they have get replaced by the whole pioneering thing. They become less like normal people and become more a clone of what a good Dub "should" be. Plus they get really self-righteous and judgmental. And any joke you make has to be scanned first in their mind so by the time they figure out if it is okay with Jehovah whether to laugh or not the moment has passed and they end up looking real serious. Real fun people. Oh yeah and explaining why you don't pioneer is hard when you have to leave out the true history of the organization or be labeled apostate.
Why I don't want to associate with pioneers
by JimmyPage 13 Replies latest jw friends
I can so relate to what you are saying JimmyP....
I was an aux. pioneer, but went out with the regulars all the time.
I came from the world so had a different attitude towards somethings. They were so uptight over the smallest thing. Like they had to "Process" each and every thought....
You couldn't discuss hobbies or anything, and everything had to be planned way in advance... even an invite for coffee...
"Well, let me check my date book, OK... maybe next Friday at one"....drove me insane. Yes, I know they were pressed for time, but so was I, and I didn't get that wound up in it.........
Pioneers were always trying to make me their special case.Blech!The air of superiority was nauseating!
yeah when everything comment made is twisted into something "spiritual" like (me) I hope this rain lets up.(pioneer) oh yes it will be so nice in the new system when we don't have to worry about nasty days like these-cue brainwashed smile.(me) ...thinking if is possible for me to reach high enough to kick her in the head.
my favourite older "sister" at the hall, married over 60 years to an elder..... roundly criticized by snipes for never having pioneered ( even tho she and the old man used to aux every mar or apr for "memorial" season)..... she once said to me..... the only people in the world who pay more attention to time than prisioners are the pioneers ...... ( i never got past aux, and was even paired up with a pioneer who was trying to motivate me to take the other red pill!)
how many times have you heard one of them bellyache about " getting their time in"? like a bunch of chickens squawking : bwak! bwak! my time!! bwaaaaak!
Ah, yes, the self-righteous pioneers who think only of field circus (great expression that I've now adopted) and "spiritual" matters. This was the final straw that made me leave for good. Here I was, trying to do what I felt I was supposed to be doing, having "good association" and instead I was constantly pressured to FT pioneer. I don't feel the need to do what everyone else is doing just because they're doing it. Isn't that what the WT guarded against anyway? Peer pressure? I guess it's okay in the context of you giving up your personal preferences, isn't it?
One hugely self-righteous pioneer would want to listen to "worldly" music in field circus, but would find a problem with EVERY song we played. Queen's Bicycle Race had the line "I say God, give me a choice." That was bad and not something a Christian should listen to because we know there's only one true God, so the song was changed. Then LoveShack by the B-52s came on. We were rockin' and rollin' until the line that says "wearin' next to nothin' cuz it's hot as an oven." Oh no, we're almost naked, that's bad. Um, did you HEAR what LoveShack is about??? People are having sex!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But you have a problem because they're wearing tiny clothes due to the heat??
They all have their noses up in the air-too bad a downpour could not occur and drown the poor Basxxxx. I know Iam bitter!!! and Pissed off too.
Tired of the Hypocrisy
I have never, ever known a pioneer that was not like how you described. The ones I have known are a bunch of scared, anal retentive gasbags that would not know whether to laugh at a joke or wash their ass.
strawberry cake
I was a pioneer. I gave it my best shot. I followed, as best I could all the suggestions from the WT on what 'Godly devotion' was (not!) I was wrong. I was had. It's all a crock!
Pioneers,publishers,elders, MS..all the same, just following the directives from the cult leaders in Brooklyn.
xxx Strawberry Cake. -
All the pioneers I met wanted only for me to join them and pioneer, too. That would have meant giving up my life and becoming nothing but a God machine. And having no time for anything else but field circus, which I hated enough as a regular publisher.
Not to mention that they are harsher than normal on little things. Keep that button done up in hot weather. Fix that little scuff mark on your shoes. Dry clean that suit more. They were picky in how I carried my circus bag and every little movement I made. Every word I said was something they had to find fault with, unless it was exactly from the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger. Of course, they claimed that, unless I spent all my time out in field circus, I would be a murderer and end up dead too.