And now we feel like molested bees. (to borrow two words from the JW songbook)
That is funny. I think that song also has a line that says something like "we have to beat them off" ... wow! that is good comedy.
Someone recently called to tell me about a public talk they heard on the subject of the bible's accuracy. During the talk the speaker started paroting lines from the Creation book, but he got mixed up.
He said that when he was in school, "they used to teach that the earth was flat and that it was sittin' on the back of a turtle. But that's man's wisdom..."
He also said that he was glad that Jehovah had given him a "spiritual education, because now he knows that the earth is a sphere."
This guy was giving a PUBLICTALK! I guess we could give him the benefit of the doubt... perhaps he went to school in ancient India.
Where do they get these clowns?