no you follow whom you so choose but as for me and my house we will serve the just seem to ramble a lot
Suffering ,why is God slow to act?
by edmond dantes 26 Replies latest jw friends
Real one, I fully understand how these posters feel about God, and I do believe in an incredibly inteligent designer/creator. If my puny brain can understand how damaged so many of us are in our mind and heart as regards God and faith in him, then I am comfortable with the thought that he will understand even more if there ever is any reason for a Judgement Day, or just individual judgement.........your thoughts??....oompa
Real One I would prefer to ramble on here than from dodr to door with dream snatching literature wanting to trap sincere souls in a cultish prison for life!
Though I percieve you think the Bible holds the ultimate in medications for humankind?
real one
yes you are correct crusoe i believe the Bible is mankinds answer to everything...obey God!
oompa are you asking me if i believe that when judgement day comes God will understand the people here? imo if you are going to sit here and mock God and not listen to any truth you can read yourself in the Bible, but choose to be unbelievers still then what does his word say he will do to them? send the to the place he made for Satan and his demons. If you were God what would you do?
Edmond ...
Don't be so critical.
I wouldn't consider it slow. Things take time.
I mean, when you're responsible for the entire universe including untold numbers of planets and galaxies, you'd have a lot on your plate too. Not to mention the myriads and myriads of angels that have to be accounted for. Plus the occasional orientation process for the remaining ones that have died on earth and gone to heaven.
And then, you have that pain in the ass, Devil bastard and his followers that are always trying to screw up everything you do. Sort of like a bad street gang in the neighboorhood. You can't turn your back on them.
So Edmond, back off. Relax. Everything will get taken care of "in its time."
God just has a longer To-Do list than what you might expect.
Rub a Dub
It has to do with "The Prime Directive".
edmond dantes
Thanks for all your interesting comments.
Real One,
I think maybe mockery of God comes about through lack of direct communication from God.The Bible is written by man and contained therein is mans' opinion ,not God's .We have to believe in the true facts as set out in the history of man, not the assumed history contained in the Bible.When God created the world why did he not reside somewhere here permanantly in order that we could check things out with him?
The truth is we are all scratching about in the dark looking for answers to the conundrem.The Witnesses don't have the answer ,they think they do but they scratch around as much as everyone else,everything is supposition.Why are we supposed to rely on faith ,why can't we have definitive answers to age old mysteries.
God it's over to you.
real one
The Bible is written by man and contained therein is mans' opinion ,not God's .We have to believe in the true facts as set out in the history of man, not the assumed history contained in the Bible.When God created the world why did he not reside somewhere here permanantly in order that we could check things out with him?
The truth is we are all scratching about in the dark looking for answers to the conundrem.The Witnesses
Why are we supposed to rely on faith ,why can't we have definitive answers to age old mysteries.
God it's over to you.
The Bible is inspired by God, therefore his thoughts. we may not understand everything now but maybe God will reveal to us his mystery some day
"The Bible is inspired by God, therefore his thoughts. we may not understand everything now but maybe God will reveal to us his mystery some day"
No he wont because he doesn't care. -
Sad emo
Well you could say that Jehovah had provided the means for humanity to survive the plague because the cleanliness laws were there and those who obeyed them were less likely to succumb.
Differences in cultural and lifestyle practices between Jews and Christians also led to persecution. Jews were charged by some with having provoked the plague. Because Jews had a religious obligation to be clean, they did not use water from public wells. And so as previously mentioned, Jews were suspected of causing the plague by deliberately poisoning wells. Typically, comparatively fewer Jews died from the Black Death, in part due to rabbinical laws that promoted habits that were generally cleaner than that of a typical medieval villager. Jews were also socially isolated, often living in Jewish ghettos. Because isolated people were less likely to be infected, there were differences in mortality rates between Jews and non-Jews and this led to raised suspicions in people who had no concept of bacterial transmission.