Bethel for sale? info please
by shell69 13 Replies latest jw friends
I am going to put all these comments into a single comment that is, granted, speculative
but you will know that it's true.If another Sept. 11th happens, it would be tough to sell this property. It is not homes and
condos, so it is at a premium right now regardless of the market. Now is a good time to sell
property at a profit. The cost of shipping is the highest cost to WTS, so they have gotten
presses in each continent and no longer ship worldwide out of Brooklyn. The presses
are located in upstate for cost and ease of access.WTS is afraid of many new lawsuits. They have to start removing their assets from the U.S.A..
There are child-abuse case, blood-issue cases, worker's compensation for WT workers. As
mentioned, liquid assets can be easily moved outside of the country.While they were laying off older Bethelites to save money, they still needed some people to
do the work. Laying off some and hiring others would cause even some staunch JW's to
question them and possibly get in on a lawsuit of age discrimination or something with
worker's compensation for healthcare benefits. Moving gives a reason to do this. "We didn't
need him at NYC anymore." Some of the dismissed Bethelites will feel that they don't have
a winning lawsuit, while others don't even see the hypocrisyI do believe that they are following a long-term profit plan. When the profit margin got too
close for comfort, they dropped one issue of Awake!, then later went to the "members only"
WT mag. They cut Bethelites and reduced shipping costs. They will soon be selling Kingdom
Halls in areas where they can make people drive to another hall as attendence drops.Edited to add: Oh, doing something, ANYTHING at all, causes JW's to think the end must
really be near. "They are moving out of NYC. They must know something." -
I have a question how do you lay off a volunteer worker?
How does a volunteer worker qualify for workers compensation?
I have a question how do you lay off a volunteer worker?
How does a volunteer worker qualify for workers compensation?
The effect for a volunteer is the same, well actually worse, as laying off an employee.
The Bethelite receives his food, clothing, shelter from the corporation that let him go.
In his case, he has no unemployment compensation while searching for a new job.
He often is invited to special pioneer and receive a very small monthy check, but the
locals are expected to find a place for him to stay and help him with all expenses.
The corporation cannot force the locals to do this, but it does generally happen.The waters were tested at least once on the Worker's Compensation. WTS sent
a woman out to do something and she was hurt on a bus (one of their buses?). The
corporation tried to let her go without compensation, saying that she was a volunteer.
A Worker's Compensation ruling was that she was on WTS business, so they must
compensate her- meaning a monthly check because she was no longer able to do her
job, and they let her go. There will be more of these types of suits. That's another
reason WTS wants to move out of NYC. They got an unfavorable ruling there. They
know others will have their lawyer refer to that case.If you need to learn more, post a question on a thread. Someone will find the link.