Just finished watching the film 'Borat'. In it there is a scene where he attends what I assume is a Pentecostal church meeting. For all I know it is a setup. I hope so.
If not, then I am afraid. Is that really what takes place at Pentecostal meetings?
If it is, then I've never seen such a bunch of weirdos in my whole life.
I thought that Islamic fundamentalism was dangerous but I fear that if that is how some people in authority behave whilst attending church then the scene in the film 'The Dead Zone' with Martin Sheen as a President on a mission from above to desroy the earth is not as far fetched as I thought.
I am speaking as one who has never witnessed a Pentecostal church service and I realize that they are not all on drugs but something is not right about it.
I think that the JW's are brainwashed (including myself whilst in) but the Pentecostals, as portrayed in the film 'Borat' beat them hands down.
(In my opinion)
Am I being paranoid?
Thomas covenant