Hey folks! Wondering if everyone here is willing to weigh in on a thought I had. So I've been on YouTube alot lately and came across this profile:
He has a section on his channel that is called Tough Questions for Christians, it really has sparked some incredible responses and from what I can see has gotten some incredibly thought out answers from Christians and Atheists alike. If you haven't had a chance to see his videos please click on the link above and check them out, they're very articulate and very well produced. You'll also notice that he is not condescending in his questions, he doesn't ask them sarcastically, he just asks the question. For people who don't feel like going through all his videos two examples of the questions that I found really interesting are:
- If you believe that people who have never heard of Jesus before their death get a "free pass" into heaven; then why preach to them about Jesus, giving them a chance to reject Jesus and thereby be sent to hell?
- If God punishes those who don't abide by his rules or that go against his will, then why did God give us free will?
So how this ties into Jehovah's Witnesses is that I was thinking of doing something similar, but gear it specifically towards Jehovah's Witnesses. I was even thinking of calling it "Tough Questions for Jehovah's Witnesses" (Yup, I'm real original). I have a couple of problems with this, first off I don't know if I will get anything but "You're an apostate"; "Jehovah's Witnesses are the right religion" responses. Especially since the Watchtower frowns upon people being online or looking at apostate material. I know there are witnesses online that view apostate material because they comment on the various anti-witness videos out there. AZSuperman01's videos have people posting video responses, which I don't know if that's something that would happen here because even if the witness was responding to my video posting positive Witness stuff, he still could end up getting counselled for viewing apostate material in the first place. So first off I don't really know if I would just be wasting my time. The second thing is that like AZSuperman01's videos he's simply asking a question it isn't pointing a finger at anyone. That's the type of thing I would like to ask; I wouldn't want to play the game of quoting various Watchtower articles and saying "You said this, now defend it". More general questions, that really forces people to think and hopefully if my demeanor is nice enough, if I'm poised enough, if my question seems genuine enough I can get some people to post responses. I'm thinking first off I would need to do an introductory video, to explain that basically I'm not a witness now, but I'm also not disfellowshipped, I was never baptised and am not considered a bad associate now nor when I was a witness. For an example of questions I was thinking of asking they would be along the lines of:
- Let's say that science finally mastered cloning and could create an exact duplicate of your body, and also created a super-computer capable of storing your entire brain contents from your mannerisms to your memories and could then implant these memories into this exact duplicate of you. When the process is completed you are looking at an exact copy of you, the body and the mind, the same memories, the same mannerisms, in every way this person is identical to you, he is a complete re-creation of you. When you die and are resurrected in the New System, Jehovah creates the exact duplicate body for you, and implants your memories, mannerisms etc into this exact duplicate of you, how would this differ from the example given before? Science in the previous example had re-created you, but in the end while it was your memories, your mannerisms, your body, they didn't make another you, the re-created a copy of you. If you died, this clone while exact in every way to you is still not you. Explain how in paradise if God is truly implanting your memories, your mannerisms into an exact copy of your body that it is actually you who is enjoying life on paradise earth vs. an exact clone of you enjoying life on paradise earth for the life that YOU lead in this system?
Yeah I know a little wordy. But I'd be saying them, and I have 9 minutes and 59 seconds to ask my question :) So if you could give me your opinion, do you think that witnesses will respond with actual thought out answers, or even look for the answers in the Watchtower and post them, or do you think they will just continually comment with "Apostate!". Also if you have some thought provoking questions please post them here so that I could put them up when I actually start this project. Thanks in advance for any advice you can give me.