"I didn't know I could still function!!"

by hamsterbait 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • hamsterbait

    The DC program for this year includes talks on Overcoming discouragement due to "tiredness".

    I assume this is not the "I need to put my feet up with a coffee" kind of tiredness.

    In readiness for the propaganda, I note a quote in the June 15 Witchtower p6:

    "I tearfully and fervently thanked jehovah for all his help. I did not know IT WAS POSSIBLE TO KEEP FUNCTIONING for so long while BEING SO WEAK FROM EXHAUSTION." "Powerful despite weakness."

    Interestingly the article quotes 2Cor 12: 7 - 10 but inserts Jehovah. Yet if read carefully it is clear that Paul was actually entreating JESUS.

    i wonder too how many of the implied death threats that are now appearing on the Kool-Aid Edition will spur us all on to keep going?

    It seems that phrases about"survival" and ""escaping destruction appear in every study now. The threat of death is kept just in the corner of everybody's eye. I plan to do a detailed survey of this, and how the fear is kept there, without the average witless realizing.


  • llbh
    I tearfully and fervently thanked jehovah for all his help. I did not know IT WAS POSSIBLE TO KEEP FUNCTIONING for so long while BEING SO WEAK FROM EXHAUSTION." "Powerful despite weakness."

    And why are they tired because they od poorpy paid jobs which are often physically exhausting. So it is no suprise, yet still they do not get it.

    The wts know what is happening and yet they could not care very much how sad



  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Is that the 6/15WT for 08?

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Implied fear plays a major part in mechanically orchestrating this religion/Corporation, without it it would collapse.

    The leaders and heads of this kingdom would fall off their thrones and just become jobless nobodies.

    One just has to look back at the deviously sick people that started this religion and you can understand why it exist today.

    Playing God has its consequences, as we can see.

  • potleg

    Hey there all you lowly ones....You've got to move faster and do more...so says the Watchtower.

    When your old donkey is buckling at the knees and having a tough time moving you can either, a) lighten the load, or b) get a bigger stick and beat him some more.

    Right now I bet the Governing Body is working hard on a custom made whopper of a stick complete with all kinds of guilt, threats and pointy things.

    Now all you who are still in, there is a third option...stop, drop the load, stand up straight and (figuratively) kick the hell out of the man with the big stick. Now that feels good.

    Who was it who spoke about loads being refreshing and light? Maybe JW's are working for the wrong boss.

  • Sunspot

    Do I smell the distinct odor of several "experiences" on the platform, presenting some senior SENIOR citizens boasting of their "joy" in their YEARS Special Pioneering while holding full-time employment hauling logs in logging camps......

    and a blind and deaf 97-year-old Brother with no hands that stands on street corners at dawn, handing out WTS litter-ature, so that all those able-bodied shiftless rank & file JWs at this convention will feel terrible pangs of GUILT and vow then and there to DO MORE for the Watchtower convert making process?

    It would not seem as if things have changed in the eight years since I stopped attending these conventions.


  • WTWizard

    Which is more rational--thanking Jehovah for giving you the strength to suffer through all this work, or just not doing it? Not only would you not need that "strength", but you might actually find time to enjoy some of the things the Asleep! showcases instead of peddling it.

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