asilentone- if you find a partner to motivate you
I'd grab the hubby but I can seem to get him off the computer.
RR- I'm a mail man.
Well you gotta be in great shape with all the walking...
skeeter1- 2 miles a few times a week. It works off the beer.
That's what I was thinking, although its red wine for me, decided to try to cut out those extra calories.
noman-I eventually built up my endurance...then I get pregnant, stopped jogging
I've seen these great stollers one wheel on the front two on the back, and a few young women rollerblading behind or jogging, there is really a lot of cool stuff
out there for kids now.
hillbillie-thats why we have horses
Do you have any? And if so do you ride much? The first horse I ever got on I was thrown off, I was in grade 4 but I still love horses and did get back on.
Homerovah- Set a defined program on a week to week basis within your distance - purchasing the most cushioning pair of runners you can find that will fit your feet,
Great advise, I do find the runners difficult, with cross trainers, basketball, etc etc, I was thinking of the "air ones" and maybe adding gel inserts.
So maybe every other day at first?
Sad emo -Do gentle warm up (before) AND warm down (after) exercises too - this will help you avoid muscle strain and cramps -
Yes, I will definitely do that. Thanks
seeker4-We run trails for as much of the year as it's possible
seeker4-Considering that shoes are about the only real expense in running, it's worth it to get a good pair.
We do have trails here really close to the house, great views. I had a real good treadmill but the daughter suckered it out of me a few years ago. Yes I was referring
to the shoe's.
My grampa always said if you spend your money on anything a good pair of shoes are the first thing you should buy.
Everyone has such great advise I'm feeling super charged and ready to go!