The WTBTS falsely teaches that my Lord "invisibly" received his kingdom in 1914, as, per them, evidenced by the outbreak of World War I.
The TRUTH is that my Lord received his kingdom in 30 C.E. (no, not 33 C.E.!), when he (re)entered into the spirit realm and offered up his blood. That he was INAUGURATED, INSTALLED, AND BEGAN RULING AS KING... was EVIDENCED by the outpouring of holy spirit... at Pentecost 30 C.E. That was the PURPOSE of such outpouring... to EVIDENCE that he had begun to rule as king!
Since that time, he has been ruling as king... and subduing those who will rule with him... (i.e., teaching those who exercise faith in him... and granting such ones the fruit of God's spirit that is... love, joy, peace, faith, kindness, mildness, goodness, long-suffering and self-control - the last of which is the bane of my existence!) while in the midst of his enemies.
He has been doing so "in the midst of his enemies," because Satan and his spirits (daemons)... and the last enemy, Death, still exist. This will not always be the case, however.
There is only one "second" coming, dear ones. My Lord came once... in the flesh... and will come again... but AS A SPIRIT. Had he "arrived" in 1914, then when he arrives so that every eye will see him... will be a third arrival. And that... is a lie.
I bid you all peace.
A slave of Christ,