Would someone please be so kind as to scan and post the picture of Christmas at Bethel with Rutherford and all the little Bethelites sitting around amidst presents and decorations? I believe it was in the In Search of Christian Freedom book, which someone borrowed from me and didnt return. I need to show it to some UNBELIEVERS...or rather...DIS believers :) Remember now...when Christ came back in 1918 and JUDGED Bethel as HIS OWN ...they were celebrating Christmas and birthdays! If they were ACCEPTABLE to Christ then...why would his father then decide that Christmas and birthdays are PAGAN some timeafterwards? Obviously what is acceptable and not acceptable ARENT per whats in GODS mind. Thanks for your help.
Picture of Xmas at Bethel
by LovesDubs 15 Replies latest jw friends
edward gentry
you apostates!
You think in terms that are too simple.
Almighty God doesnt expect his children to stop practising Satanic
holidays on the spot. Would that be the act of a merciful God?
I ask you.
Of course not brother ( assuming youre not a Sis).
The revelation of Present Truth is a gradual knowingness, small steps.
The revelation of his mind is gradual, dawning, first the deep darkness then the false morning light followed by a gradual revealing of the details of the day.
Finally....the blazing light of Noon Day understanding.(Devils advocate)
lovedubs,i found the picture on this site but it's pretty poor quality..
http://www.firstandlast.org.uk/page18.html/ -
Just outa curiosity, are these "un/dis-believers" active JWs?
Hi loves, I believe the pic is also in the proclaimers book.
"I don't want someone in my life I can live with, I want someone in my life I can't live without."
Last year someone posted a picture of Santa reading the watchtower does anyone have that picture?
"Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional." -
Mr. Gentry:
You say that, essentially, the introduction of truth is gradual, small steps. You really are full of shit.
Remember the story of Jesus' dealings with the young rich man? "Go immediately and sell all you have and follow me." That doesn't sound gradual to me; nor does it sound like a small step.
You JW are so god-damned blind, and you can justify anything and everything. Fortunately, we who have IQs larger than the current room temperature know better, and we leave you ignorant dogs to continue returning to your vomit.
Read the post above about the great JW who beat his 13 year-old daughter to death. Proud of that are you? Let's hear your rationalization of that one, your justification.
What a fuckin' jerk
edward gentry
Is that any way to speak to a person?
Heaping vitriolic callumny upon their opinions and slurring and besmirching their person? And you dont even KNOW me and my values!
Is that any way to assist one who is blinded by the organization and seeks the light of truth?
What if I am seeking understanding of my situation?
Thank you for your compassion!
I am running straight back into the arms of the mother org now, where it is warm and safe.