is there anyone who knows whether this is the case that made it to the human rights court where it has just been deemed legal to 'spank'
your children over here in the uk.
just curious
by saltiest 52 Replies latest jw friends
is there anyone who knows whether this is the case that made it to the human rights court where it has just been deemed legal to 'spank'
your children over here in the uk.
just curious
I agree, TR. Absolutly f**king horrible. I think most of us were abused in some way-I got tossed down flights of stairs, and thrown out of the house since I was 14 to name a few. (and I was one of the best behaved children in the hall). My father even said that gree-striped shirts were rebellious....
I'm just wondering how different this is from not allowing your child to have a blood transfusion? Basically if you administor physical punishment because you think you are doing what the Bible says (and the kid dies).............. or you deny a child blood, because you think you are doing what the Bible says (and the kid dies), then how can the courts accuse you of murder for one and not the other?? It's all the same in my book. Screw balls let loose on innocent kids.
I am sick! My heart weeps and my anger is that of a raging bull.
When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.
I can remember as a child being constantly reminded
how everyone was impressed by how good
jw children were, how nicely they sit still at the meetings/assemblys
how well behaved they were on the doors, I could never understand for
the life of me why everyone assumes that jw kids are born well behaved and never questions how their 'unaturally' good behaviour is
Right Nels,
Those poor fellows in the concentration camps were well-behaved too, I'd wager. Not that it did them much good. Not that it does the Dub kids any good, either.
This is a really hard thread to read,its just so dam sad...OUTLAW
I concur w/everyone here - those bastards should die!!!! Do they have the death penalty in Illinois?
I remember growing up as a JW, and beatings were a daily occurence. I, and my siblings, still have scars from beatings we suffered - my mother never spared the rod. I remember her always repeating the stories from the Hebrew scriptures, how children in those days were stoned to death for being disobedient, and that we should feel fortunate that those laws no longer applied.
Giving me the shakes just thinking about it....what a sad sad state of affairs. It pains me greatly to think they haven't learned their lesson yet.
While children from all backgrounds are abused unmercifully, it never ceases to amaze me that the JW's can spout their "unconditional love".
Wonder if they'll be disfellowshipped for this, or if they're truly repentent
This is to Marilyn,
I'm not sure what country you live in, but here in the US if a JW parent refuses blood for their child the MD or hospital will get an emergency court order to override the parents decision. The kid WILL get the blood. That is why you don't hear of court cases against JW parents in the US regarding this issue.
I remember talking with one social worker at a children's hospital and asking about that. He said that "we just tell the parents to let Jehovah get mad at US" when blood was administered to their child.
A side note on blood transfusions: A few years ago, a couple we had studied with, had a 13 year old daughter with congestive heart failure, and Down's syndrome. Her blood count was dangerously low, and they wanted to transfuse her. Of course they said "no", but the liason committee told them to let them do it, because they would anyway. It was better not to make waves, with the hospital they had worked so hard to develop a good relationship with. We were shocked!!
Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)
"Those who know, don't say, and those who say, don't know."