What is your experience with a Philosophy class?

by Blueblades 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    Students wandering into a philosophy class are usually hoping to gain some perspectives on, say, the meaning of it all, but then some rumpled guy in mismatched tweeds ambles up to the podium and starts lecturing on the meaning of "meaning."

    First things first, he says. Before we answer any questions, big or small, we need to understand what the question itself signifies. Listening reluctantly, we soon discover that what this guy has to say is wicked interesting.

    That's just the way philosophy and philosophers are. Questions beget questions, and those questions beget another whole generation of questions. It's questions all the way down.

    We may start with basic ones like, "What is the meaning of it all? and, "Does God exist?" and, "How can I be true to myself?" and, "Am I in the wrong classroom?" but very quickly we discover we need to ask other questions in order to answer our orignal questions. This process has given rise to an array of philosophical displines, each delving into particular Big Questions by asking and attempting to answer the questions that underlie them. Any questions?

    So it follows that, "What is the meaning of life?" is dealt with in the discipline known as Metaphysics, and "Does God exist?" in the one called Philosophy of Religion. "How can I be true to myself?" falls to the school of Existentialism; "Am I in the wrong classroom?" to the new sector of philosophy called Meta - philosophy, which poses the question, "What is philosophy?" And on it goes, with each sphere of philosophy undertaking different kinds of questions and concepts.

    And so, when two students wandered out of the classroom, they were so baffled and bewildered, they were convinced that they would never get their minds around this heady stuff.

    What is your experience with a philosophy class?


  • BurnTheShips

    I took a cursory course years ago.

    I recommend it to you.

    It will expand your panoramas.

    Yes you can learn on you own.

    But in a University you will get exposed to a systematic overview of all the most important aspects.

    You can proceed from there.

    Philosophy tackles the most important things.

    The rest of science is learning the details of how the machinery works. Fascinating to be sure, but not at the same level.

    Big difference.


  • Carmel

    It was one of the first freshman classes I signed up for. Taught by a Dr. Verner, survivor of the concentration camps, he was most intriguing. The take home for me is how simple fundamental ideas build over time into complex sets of beliefs and world views. For instance, the concept that the man is the ruler of the family leads to all sorts of strange manifestations and justifies all kinds of bazzar outcomes. Another is the concept of the Apostle Paul having been knocked off his ass onto his arse then claimed a direct connection to Jesus through a vision. Fundamentally this has allowed for thousands of wannabe copy cats who claim to have a direct pipeline to God and the rest of us better pay attention. All because the prototype nineteen hundred years ago fell off his mount leaving Damascus. carmel

  • WTWizard

    Philosophy 101 actually made you THINK about whether God is real or not. If you didn't THINK, you did not pass.

  • BizzyBee

    My first philosophy class encompassed Logic. It was damned tough. I have since realized how difficult it is to separate Philosophy, Logic and Mathematics. I don't believe you can really completely grasp any of the three without at least a rudimentary appreciation of the other two. Together they are important organizing principles for a thoughtful approach to life.

  • Robert7

    Looking back, I would have to say that philosophy was a teach 'how to think' class. I never appreciated it when I was taking the class, but now looking back, I can see how much it really has impacted my life positively. I think it is a great class overall.

  • AGuest

    Because I love the subject, I took Phil 2 (Ethics), Phil 4 (Critical Thinking), Phil 6 (Intro. to Phil.), Phil 20 (Ancient Phil), Phil 21 (Modern Phil.) and Phil 50 (Symbolic Logic) as an undergrad. As a result, I studied a little bit of the "usual suspects" - Kant, Bentham, Mill, Sidgwick, Wollstonecraft, Wright, Ayn Rand (whose books I love!), Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, Nietzsche, Hegel, Hobbes, Locke, Descartes, etc.

    Although I know some who believe that "philosophy" undermines spiritual faith (I guess I can see how it could, if one is not sure of who and what one is... and who and what one is putting one's faith in)... it did just the opposite for me. Particularly when I realized that, contrary to what is TAUGHT, many of these actually believed in God, a truth that is repeatedly overlooked, unfortunately. In fact, according to Plato (The Apology), Socrates tried to tell the Greek Senate that it was God Himself that sent him to them (and so, I always find it interesting when folks talk about "teaching by the 'Socratic Method'" and yet, totally miss where Socrates himself said he GOT the method. Ah, well...)

    Anyway, I enjoyed all of these classes and they have been a GREAT help in studying law.


    SA, on my own, but still a slave of Christ

  • JK666

    PHIL 101,

    First of all, never listen to anyone that insists on typing in bold.

    Second of all, believe in yourself! It is okay to think for yourself for a change. You do not have to listen to any one's dogma. That is the great thing about philosophy. Even if the Professor has his or her opinion, it really doesn't matter. It is the beauty of thinking for yourself!

    Say a freaking amen to that, Lord Hallelujah! Or whatever you believe in or not! I really do not care, or neither should you! Enjoy the freedom.


  • JK666


    I am a big supporter of both Descarte and Nietzsche. A discussion would be interesting! Unlike some of the "logic" proposals! Excuse me, but I like to think! Does "logic" prevent that?

    The first proposal that I would like to share is the complete question that Descarte raised:

    "I question, I think, Therefore I am."


  • R.Crusoe

    I attended a coupe and found it was a varied agenda and so I got lost in the diversity of it all - like my life really = I could walk out cuz I just don't get it all = directionless and circular spirals back to square one or even less!

    One point I found of specific interest surrounded 'Justice -is it a crime??'

    Like if someone kills your father, should he be imprisoned or die as just return?

    The reason he did what he did may have been his personal justice whereas the repayment was a collective retribution!

    On the surface this sounds ridiculous but not really!!!

    Like if justice is divine then how about we retrace some steps of humanity?

    Like handing back USA to the American Indians? etc etc = you get the point?

    SAme with 'Jesus philosophy' forgive an enemy!

    Methinks it is the only solution for humanity!

    Is it though?

    Let the greedy take over means in decades to come all the Jesus types are crucified!!!

    Unless of course all mankind drops weapons and anger and follows the peace principle! But history suggests such would be taking a big risk!

    So in fact humanity is not just at all = simply operating a collective of probabilities!

    Like I will not kill unless someone threatens my stability beyond what I can bear = then I will kill and all morality is void!

    Which means it didn't exist to begin with except as a temporary program successful in its own microcosm of humanity!

    So justice really is non-existent unless you really will let someone walk in and kill your kids or rape your wife, shake their hands and say,

    'Have a nice day!' in which case you do believe in the morals you claim of Jesus 'Forgive your enemies!' and trust in the Messiah!

    I will stop here! You can see how ones head is meltdown with suchlike stuff!

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