If I were you I would have told them you didn't want to discuss religion as it makes you extremely uncomfortable in the work place. They have to live by the same rules they embrace! Also as was stated by an earlier member you can make a sexual harassment complaint even if you are not the one receiving the advances. Does this company have an HR department? A lot of times you can put more pressure on the owner through HR as they are more willing to listen to them (they act kind of as legal council). If not, you should definitely make it a vague legal threat. Nothing scares a company or forces their hand like a vague legal threat.
My bosses are JW, today we had heated exchange & I've got to vent....
by NotaNess 19 Replies latest jw friends
Notaness, just a thing on the growth rate. 400,000 is a figure he's pulled out of his ...er, fundament.
The Pew Forum has recently published accurate figures on the 'net showing JW's at about #5 for growth, behind the Mormons and Catholics etc. but their rate of converts lost at about 61% is the worst amongst all religions.
Now get out of that place. It sounds like poison! -
I see how you may be the only one with the party hat at Christmas!
And Gordy smurf - that youtube is excellent:
'Each year 70million newborn are preparing for Jehovahs mass execution - does it not warm your heart?' LMAO
First of all, religion has nothing to do with this.
You need to separate the religion aspect from the practices in the work environment. It sounds like you will be looking for another job in the not to near future. The owners will let you go because you are bringing up trouble. Sure the laws in the U.S. are clear (as mud) when it comes to discrimination by sex, religion, age, etc. but I believe it's harder for an employee to receive unemployment benefits than it is for an employer to deny them. "Not qualified" vs. "Don't like their religion" Owners can set their own standard of qualification and don't have to prove to the state what those standards are. Sure you might be able to prove sexual harassment and that will save you from your job, but really will it? The owners can assign you very undesirable jobs which will make your life even more miserable. Is that what you or your ulcer wants?
Sorry, but I think it's time for you to move on. It would be better if you chose to leave than have on your employment resume that you were let go for insubordination or something to that effect. -
Regarding the Watchtower growth go to http://www.jwfacts.com/index_files/statistics.htm for very detailed analysis. What they say is very wrong. There has been dramatic drop in growth over the last 15 years. It took 4 years to get from 4 million to 5 million members, but then 7 years to get to 6 million members. These days between 200,000 and 300,000 are getting baptised a year, but the growth rate per year is only about 100,000. This means over 100,000 leave a year, with 800,000 leaving in the last 5 years.
Several surveys have shown that JWs have the highest turnover of any religion in the US, and only 1/3 of those raised JWs stay in.
Regarding the pyramid, ask if he has Studies In the Scriptures Series III - Thy Kingdom Come at the kingdom hall library, as over 70 pages are devoted to the pyramid in this book.
I agree with TOTH that if you want to pursue the sexual discrimination topic, "you will need proof", and it is looked at seriously in almost any state you work in. But it sounds like that in your best interest you may want to update your resume and get the heck out of there. If you are not happy with what you do and where you work and there is no "good" working relationship with fellow employees it is time to leave anyway. Beleive me, I know, I've been there.
The second topic is that religion really was not the issue and should not have been brought to the fore. I have been in many managerial positions and that is not the professional way to handle this matter. It should have stayed in the manner of which it was brought. But, since they are the owners of the company, well you know, different strokes for different folks. And you are already seeing this first hand.
Gordy - I appreciate the video! I've seen it before and have contemplated sending this to some of the JW's I know but I don't want to stir the pot since I'm trying to fade while my spouse and her parents are still Dub's. If I did they would be knocking at my door, (which is what they do for a living anyway), and calling me an apostate.
Best of luck to you.
Thanks for all the responses. I've been ready to move on for a couple years atleast, from that job. Some circumstances, however, leave me hanging in there and toughing it out. This last episode, brought me to the edge of the door, but I've got other things in the way.
Never planned on a suit or anything, but I have been taking notes on many things for over 2 years. In the end, I felt like I was just the non-witness of the company who is looked at now, as the trouble maker. I got no help of support from the females involved, claiming.."that's just so & so, it didn't bother me". But we all know, coming forward and speaking up about this guy, and stirring up the hornets nest is not something this 18/19 year old would do anyway due to the teachings of the WT. Another JW girl also involved in one of the sexually suggestive comments this guy has made, confirmed to her JW dad that he did make the comments...but AGAIN...the dad says "that's just _ _ _ _". So it's like the witnesses verses the worldly guy. I know that if a friend of mine from my church asked my daughter to make out with another JW girl so he could take a picture of it and email it to himself, (and he's married), I'd have some things to say about it very swift like.
To the owner's credit, they did write him up so it would be legal (or was it just a show for me).
On the membership numbers, you guys are awesome once again. Thanks for the info.
Thanks to all.
Glad your coming along ok work wise, I guess you will just need to take a few steps back,
and let those girls deal with their own problems. I think you did awesome to
help, now it's no longer your problem. Try to let in one ear and out the other.
Just remind yourself to keep mom about religion in the work place.
Cheers & best of luck to you.
Hope4others -
well, later on when these girls and their parents are really upset because this guy does something even worse, will they remember they should have done something about it the first time? People get away with stuff because other people are too "nice" or intimidated to protest - or they don't have good boundaries themselves. If we all called people on their crap 90% of the time, then those guys would get away with a lot less.