I was married a little over 8 years in a KH. I also had recorded almost every thing the wedding talk, and most of the reception. Any way the elder that gave the wedding talk was very long winded. He is in all his talks. At the time, standing there, I was thinking, "Man I will be glad when this is over". My feet was getting very sore. Then about 1 1/2 years later I got my revenge on the elder for giving such a long drawn talk. I would have done it sooner, but I moved away. So happen the congeration that I was at, got to build a new KH. And this elder happened to be on a building crew. So as a friend and a good christian, I let him and his family stay at my home during the buildig project. I asked him if he would like to watch my wedding video. Of course he said yes, because he was basicly the one doing all the talking during my wedding. (If you are wondering how long it lasted, the talk lasted 45 minutes.) After he was finnished watching it, he looked at his wife, and then me. He said, "I did not know I could be so long winded." And he asked his wife if he did that on all his talks, and she said yes dear, you do. He said that he would try to work on it, but that I don't know. Because I have not heard of any of his talks since then.
My wedding
by Tammie 11 Replies latest jw friends
edward gentry
another dub wedding story.
A friend of mine in the dubs got married,actually he was an ugly, dribbly mouthed, runty little guy and he was marrying this supersucculent virginal witness babe. Couldnt believe THAT.
But then, she was in her late 20s and getting desperate I suppose.
Anyway. I was his "best friend", we hung out everywhere.
He didnt even invite me to the reception! And chose a pioneer as his best man.
I was grossly offended but went to the ceremony.
Anyways, it was boilin hot in the hall and the speaker droned on and on.
Im sat there and look at the best man and I see him swaying, I think, then he half turns and I see his face is as green as his suit.
GREEN! Never seen anything like it.
The guy collapses and totally ruined the wedding video.
I laughed my ass off later,Knew the groom shoulda picked me. -
You got me to thinking about my sister's wedding. Kind of an odd situation. But let me try to explain it to the best of my ability. My sister is now married to my husband's brother. This still burns me to this day when I think about it. She asked me to be her maid of honor. Our sister and sister in law to be the other females in the wedding. I forgot the term, they are called. First of all she gets married to this guy, because she feels sorry for him. He never had any luck with the sisters at the KH. The reason for that, he is a controle freak. They always break it off when he tells them who they can and can not see. And what they wear. The night before the wedding they have a rehearsal. Later I learned that they had a rehearsal dinner, and I was not invited. Every one else was. Then the next day, I go to pick up my sister to go to the KH for the wedding. She is standing out side, the location where the reception is going to be at. She is there all alone. I asked where is the people, who are to help put this place together. She said, "I forgot." So I make some phone calls, and get that taken care of. I make a call and ask the groom, if he would come over and help out a little. He said he would be over as soon as possible. After a while we leave to go to the hall, and the groom (this was an couple of hours after I called him) demanded to know where we had been at. By this time I was getting pissed, big time. So I told him off. The wedding, and the reception went on with out any more problems. Lets just say that was the LAST wedding I have ever been to. That was 6 years ago.
Still another weddingish type story.
This happened right after my husband left me and disassociated himself to preempt a disfellowshipping.
Their was a beautiful young sister in another hall who also had two young boys she had been through a similar situation with her ex and had been alone about 6 years. When I heard she was engaged to this brother (a single elder from another nearby cong).I was horrified ,the guy was not very attractive and in his early forties, he had never married and (this is what gets me) had never lived away from home. they got married soon after that and I could not attend the wedding. My description is not the best but it was clearly the case of a lonely and desperate woman settling for "Mr.at least he's spiritual" I thought about the situation alot. A 40+ virgin who had never lived without mom and dad around. Geez what a winner.I also had a friend in another congregation with a similar situation. The brother who showed interest in her and her 2 young sons was also an elder she wasn't interested in him though and life went on .About 6 months later he was arrested and later imprisoned for molesting a 15 year old boy he had started a study with.
She was quite releived that she had steered clear of this spiritual prince.
My conclusion since I am a confident and intelligent young ( well relatively )woman I decided that I would not stay and join the USDC (used sister desperation club) or The AAA (after armageddon association. This was of course not even close to the only reason I left but I still feel for other single JW women in that situation. -
You said,"he was an ugly, dribbly mouthed, runty little guy"
For a minute there I thought you were talking about me.
'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'
The above stories sound so familiar. I think that is why when I was a JW, I swore off marriage. Most of the older sisters in the KH were trying to get me married off at an early age. Thank God, HE had a bigger plan for me. I met my current and only hubby, and we are celebrating our 5th anniversary this week. HEHE.. the Lord works in the greatest of ways!
By the way, I've been to a couple of JW weddings. Their ceremonies lasted from 1-2 hours in length. My paganistic, heathen wedding only lasted 20 min. Then it was time to celebrate!
"Noah was a drunk and look what he accomplished." The Metatron/Dogma
edward gentry
I was definitely NOT talking about ( based on your photo) a fine specimen of manhood like yourself.
It is curious though, all the ugly guys in the cong got all the dream boats.
The person I mentioned.
About 5 foot 3...WIDE. Wide set eyes, about two inch gap between his eyes, fishy eyes at that. And the mouth! Two trails of spittle permanently drooling down the troughs either side his mouth.
Always talked while eating, spraying food.
His woman?
A voluptuous, Italian dreamboat with eyes like deep black pools and hips made for breeding.
How did he get her?
He asked, she was ready.Me I was too busy thinking "I could never get HER".
Just goes to show you....Actually Ive written a chapter in my JW novel about the Witness marriage go round, its called "Marital Feeding Frenzy"(Chapt 20).
Fat John gets engaged to succulent Nikita.
This starts the marital panic.
8 males, 10 girls....who misses out?
Who gets the one with the eye that looks off at 65 degrees from the other one?
Who gets the guy who always has bad breathe?
Who gets the STRANGE looking girl with very WHITE hair and very RED skin? ..VERY weird skin..... -
Maybe they were nice caring guys. *shrug* Most women are far more willing to lose the fantasy of marrying some kind of model then men are.
edward gentry
I dont know Naeb.
Personally I subscribe to the philosophy of the "beast" Crowley.
The haggier the better. -
I dated a girl in high school with a wart on her nose the size of Australia. She wanted to have it surgically removed but I was very against this, in fact, I had it enlarged.