Ok guy's what's in your pockets?
by greenhornet 44 Replies latest jw friends
My hands feeling my....., oh, forget it
nothing, i'm naked
In my husbands pockets it always paper clips and kleenex, Because I always have to empty them just
before they hit the wash.
ha ha ha
I always carry a magnifying glass-! Actually, it is a 10x jeweler's loupe, as I deal in antiques and vintage jewelry. I would be lost without it, and almost start to panic if I am out buying and realize that I had forgotten it or left it somewhere. It is always with me. My jeans even have wear spots in the shape of the loupe, similar to the wear marks of people who carry tins of chew, but smaller. My keys are hooked in my back left pocket, wallet in back right pocket, loupe in front left, and change along with a pack of tic-tacs in the right front. Always the same setup whenever I go out. It has been that way for years...
Princess Daisy Boo
Probably nothing, because your stuff in all in your better half's handbag!
Eyes Open
When I go out, my half heart-shaped keyring. The other half belongs to my lovely girlfriend who I will get to see again in 11 days' time!
(Hey sugar plum. :* :D ) -
my husband usually carry's a pocket knife in his front pocket and a wallet in his back pocket. His reading glasses and phone in a shirt pocket. Harldly ever carrys change.
A pen.... £3-97p .... my wallet ...... a 4Gbyte memory stick!
Oh, I could SO run with this one.........lol