Sheri from THE VIEW absent AGAIN as CULTS are hot topic...

by sf 25 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • watson

    Thanks to Skally, I'm going back to the meetings.

  • pseattle2

    I'll cut her some slack for getting out of the JW's when she had a chance.

    However, most of us got smarter.

  • Galileo

    Those clips are the first time I've ever watched The View (I'm a man, so I'm pretty sure it's against the law). Oh my god. I can't believe they found somebody that makes Whoopy Goldberg look smart!

  • R.Crusoe

    It's what you get when you convince a person who wants to be eductated that they need the Bible to help them do it!

  • lonelysheep

    I agree with you, that it is about the children.

    How would anyone know if she does or does not read this board, people?

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    First let me state that I think the View is a horrible show, they shouldn't be informing people on anything. That being said I am a bit biased. However if it's her prerogative to not call out religions why do we care? She is trying to live like all of us and well is probably doing better financially then 90% of us on this board. She can do what ever she likes.

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