Bizarre Foods

by Layla33 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Layla33

    Have any of you seen the show, "Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern"? For some reason I have become a huge fan of this show and I am always interested in what kind of things people all over the world eat and how much of it I would actually even think of eating.

    What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten? And what was your response when you ate it?

    I have eaten huge snails in the Carribean. (I loved it until I found out what it was, then no.) I have had chocolate covered ants, I saw nothing good or bad about it - I was indifferent. I have had pig intestines, hog stomach, (African-American, Italian, and Asian). I love pig intestines, however hog stomach will stay in my throat for about thirty seconds and then it is coming back up.

    I refuse to eat the feet of any animal, I have been offered many times. Even eggs sometimes don't sit well with me.

    Do share, I think it would be interesting.

  • nomoreguilt

    I PUKED!!! The most repugnant , disgustingly evil thing I ever was decieved into eating was , mind the spelling now, BALUTE....Something like that, perhaps our Fillipino friends can correct me. What it is, is this. The still in the shell fetus of a duck or a chicken.

    While stationed in the Phillipine islands, I was ut with some fellow G I's and they said, " Hey! NMG, you just have to try this." Well, I had had a few too many beers, naturally, and said, "Sure, why NOT.?" I didn't see it come out of the shell, just a fork full was enough to send my belly spewing chunks!!!


  • Casper

    "Squirrel Brains".... not so "Bizarre" considering where I live.... but.... Was like very bland mashed potatoes, looked like it too.


  • Eliveleth

    I have eaten rattlesnake, raw sea urchin, sea cucumbers, limpets, snails (escargot). We regularly eat menudo which is cow stomach and beef feet.

    Acorns, cattail pollen, pine pollen and needles. For a while, I was into wild foods.

    I have eaten a lot of wild herbs and poisoned my family with a kind of mushroom (Jack-o-lantern) once.

    We all survived but did a lot of vomiting. hee hee Well, the chickens were eating them. The doctor explained that chickens have a different digestive

    system than humans. Well, when you are young you do stupid things. I certainly learned that lesson.

    Love and hugs,


  • BrentR

    Escargot(sp?), alligator and sea urchin roe. I think the show "Bizzare foods" is for the most part flat out gross but for some reason my daughter loves it.

  • Layla33

    I PUKED!!! The most repugnant , disgustingly evil thing I ever was decieved into eating was , mind the spelling now, BALUTE....Something like that, perhaps our Fillipino friends can correct me. What it is, is this. The still in the shell fetus of a duck or a chicken.

    While stationed in the Phillipine islands, I was ut with some fellow G I's and they said, " Hey! NMG, you just have to try this." Well, I had had a few too many beers, naturally, and said, "Sure, why NOT.?" I didn't see it come out of the shell, just a fork full was enough to send my belly spewing chunks!!!


    I have actually seen people do it on a show, not this one though. It was some repugnant you know what. I think if someone asked me to do that or take a bullet to the head, I might just take my chances with the bullet. I mean it just looks very disgusting to look at, but to even consider eating it?! Some of the things that people eat and consider delicacy is just plain interesting...

  • mind my own
    mind my own

    I can't even IMAGINE eating the stuff that is being posted. OMG, it's making me sick. The most adventurous thing I have ever eaten was game. Bear, moose and deer. That is when I was very young and would eat almost anything my Dad ate...I'm not so adventurous anymore!

    I know some of you are probably thinking that I don't know what I'm missing...well then there is lots more for you to enjoy!


  • momzcrazy

    LOVE HIM!!!! But I always want to eat Chinese Noodles after I watch!

    I have Anthony Bordain on right now. Tall, thin and HOT! And the scenery isn't so bad either!


  • mrsjones5

    I like watching that show. I'm just glad it's him and not me.

  • R.Crusoe

    I chew on cinnamon or suck on vanilla pods and even will make up spices with said previous and spread them all over so you can try them out lol!

    So for a hot, sweet and spicey experience why not grease up your man and let him taste your tongue?

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