fresh baked bread

by Nathan Natas 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Inspired by Greendawn's cheese thread, I thought I would ask if anyone enjoyed baking the occasional loaf of bread.

    I recently stumbled over a blog - FARMGIRL FARE


    Employing my Ninja training soas to avoid being recognized as not a farmgirl, I read a paean to one of the easiest of all breads - baking soda beer bread.

    It is simple: 3 cups of flour, one cup of your favorite grated cheese, one tablespoon of sugar, one tablespoon of baking powder, and one teaspoon of salt, mixed quickly with 12 oz of beer and plopped into a standard one pound (4" x 9") loaf pan, cooked for about 50 minutes at 375 degrees F.

    (All measurements are in "American.")

    Quick and easy and delicious. Variations on this theme are almost infinite. Different herbs, various spices, mixing in other flours (oats, barley, rye, quatrotriticale, quinoa, amaranth, etc)

    Bake some bread; it is it's own reward.

  • BrentR

    I have a sourdough culture in the fridge that I have kept going for 12 years now. Every couple weeks my wife or me makes two loaves of sourdough bread. That keeps the starter culture fed and the house smelling incredible. Nothing out of the store even comes close to homemade sourdough bread from a well aged culture.

  • oompa

    Nathan, why is there no baking soda in Baking Soda Beer Bread? I am a bread lover, and will try it............oompa

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I have two bread machines - yup 2 - and love to make fresh bread. My fav of the moment is cinnamon raisin - just heavenly

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Oompa - there is baking powder, which is a mixture of baking soda and cream of tartar.

    But I should have said baking powder beer bread.

  • Casper

    Never tried it myself, but my second Mother-in-law used to bake bread all the time... there was nothing like it....

    My fav of the moment is cinnamon raisin - just heavenly

    Lady Lee.... that's sounds wonderful... what I wouldn't give to be around when you baked that....


  • BFD

    I haven't baked bread in a long time. Sounds easy enough and, you can't go wrong with beer.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    If you thought that sounded good you should have tasted the one I made around xmas

    Black Forest Bread made with Kirsch!!! - a real spin on Black Forest Cake made with dried cherries soaked in the Kirsch before being added to the dough

  • mind my own
    mind my own

    Oh man, you guys are making me HUNGRY!! Yum!


  • orbison11

    how did you get your sourdough started,,i love it,,,with butter,,,and liverworst,,yet i haaaaaaaaaate liver,,go figuire


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