Age wise, what are/were the best years of your life?

by oompa 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    I'm thinking mid 20's to mid 30's..........although I had a hell of a 15.......................oompa

  • daniel-p

    Defintely the ones to come. I want to see my kids someday. But if I had to pick a past "best" time of my life, I would have to say it was my year at Wallkill Bethel. Yep, even with all the cult stuff, it was one damn fine year all told.

  • R.Crusoe

    My remembered 'dad years' 4-10 plus a few odd years with my children snatched whilst my ex was in the dubs and I was wondering wtf I was as an individual. My kids years = me and them!

  • oompa

    Daniel-p are you serious?!?! Your killin me man.............oompa

  • flipper

    Actually the last 2 years since I met my wife - have been the best years of my life ! I know it sounds cheesy- but it's true ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • R.Crusoe

    Gd 4 U Flips.

  • oompa

    AWWWW Mr. Flipper is gettin some now since Mrs. Flipper just watched him type that!.........oompa

  • daniel-p

    Hey oompa, you read my story. I'm serious as cancer.


    Some of you have read my posts, I've had a lot of major trauma and drama for the past few years although things are much better than they have been for a long time. Even with all of that I HAVE NEVER BEEN HAPPIER IN MY LIFE than I am right now, the last 10 months out of the cult has allowed me to be ME. To react/respond to situations the way I think I should or want to. I no longer have to do what I think is right according to some cult's standards and it is liberating. I decide what is right and I trust my own judgment. Life is beautiful.

  • restrangled

    I would say 30 to about 43......I'm heading into 49, I have to wear glasses to see a restaurant menu, my hands and knees hurt all the time, and since my 2 boys struck out on their own I am taking care of 2 big dogs instead..... (more work!)

    I can't play the piano like I use to.

    Although this also feels like a great time in life. The house stays clean and quiet except for dog hair! My husband and I have privacy for the first time in many years, (like we had when we were newly married) I have an available guest room and bath always in top notch condition, the laundry has been cut down by at least half, and when I cook it lasts for at least 2 nights if my boys don't show up and take it home for themselves and room mates, other wise its just nice to eat out together or have sandwiches at home. ......My god I just realized....I don't buy milk anymore!

    I miss my boys on a daily basis, so I guess the reason for my 2 male dogs who need as much love and attention as my boys use to.

    I would love to sleep in once in awhile at this point in life but my husband still works 7 days a week and the dogs get me up at 5:00am.

    I have time to read, research, garden, organize, or try exotic recipes to my hearts content. So I guess 48 plus is pretty good too, just different.



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