How many marriages has the WT busted up?

by dinah 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • dinah

    Yeah, there are alot of threads about this, but there have been so many new people here who seem to have this very problem. It further complicates leaving when you are going to lose your spouse.

  • Hope4Others

    Here is there biblical basis....

    Matt 10:35: For I came to cause division, with a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a young

    wife against her mother-in-law. (36) Indeed a man's enemies will be persons of his own household.

    Does not not make you sick, the oh well attitude you can find a good mate in the new system one who

    loves Jah.......


  • Alpaca


    The Borg was a huge contributor to my marriage breaking up. My ex was raised in the "Troof." She was a virgin when we got married, so we never had a chance prior to marriage to test things out to see if we were sexually compatible. As it turned out we were totally sexually mismatched. I think that being raised in the Borg probably ingrained her with the idea that sex was bad and not something that should happen naturally and spontaneously between a man and a woman.

    My joke about it is:

    She didn't believe in sex before marriage....and marriage didn't change her mind.

    We had sex only infrequently and it was unbelievably frustrating because she was drop-dead gorgeous. I hung in there for 21 years with the religion and the marriage, but it finally reached a point where I couldn't take it anymore and I bailed on the marriage and the Borg (for many other reasons). The marriage was the only reason I didn't bail sooner on the Borg.

    The Borg's policy of dictating bedroom laws didn't help either. Their prohibition of oral sex is just so bizarre. It makes you wonder what the GB's thought / discussion process is for this kind of stuff.

    The good news is that I've been out for 11 years and I just got engaged to a great woman who has absolutely no sexual hang-ups.

    Yay for me!!!!


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