Mr. Flipper....forgetting to cook breakfast isn't so bad. It is when you don't shower or get dressed that you need to rethink your day.
Do you use JWD to AVOID what you should be doing?
by wings 38 Replies latest jw friends
I'll reply later ... busy looking at other threads that don't require a response
At this point in my life, I dont have that much to do. I dont have many goals or ambitions. So I come here a lot to entertain myself and pass time.
JB - I want to be you.
Thanks for the start for my book. I'll make a list and get to it later.
Homerovah the Almighty
My answer to this question is probably yes, I could be doing something more constructive, like working around the house for example,
but its not exactly a total waste of time, I do find some of the topics interesting, and if I can help someone out here I usually make the effort to do so.
That being said I hear the vacuum cleaner calling me so I better go.
White Dove
I should be doing homework. Yes, I'm sort of addicted:)
quietly leaving -
I call them natural breaks.
I'm a natural that is for sure.
What A -
I'll reply later ... busy looking at other threads that don't require a response
I'll send you a PM....tomorrow
Yeah, I'm getting addicted to JWD....
beware....and welcome!
Snakes, what's up with that? Seems like pouring gasoline on a fire. Besides the only game I am good at is cards.
LOL.Hi, Wings, you're funny. It's no problem. Do you play cards online anywhere?
Werewolf is a silly little game that passes the time that sometimes could be spent doing more constructive things. Now that the weather is improving I will spend less time reading and posting here. How was your road trip?
Not that I'm avoiding all the book work piling up, house cleaning, vacuuming, etc, usually I'm on top of it all.
I will get to it all eventually, just need to re-organize again.
We need to go back to the meetings and stay off the inter net