Coming to a KH near you...the generation/new light WT

by Mickey mouse 49 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Next weekend congregations around the world will be studying the WT article on the new definition of a "generation".

    I would think there will be an epidemic of cognitive dissonance. This must be the first time there has been a change of doctrine on a singular topic twice in 13 years. For those still in like me, use the opportunity to get your partner thinking.

  • MissingLink

    Thanks for the reminder. I'll be sure to ask everyone what they think about it.

  • oompa

    My Dad is a very studious WT conductor...his thoughts on this were that he wished WT had never started trying to figure out any length of time the last days would last, or link them to 1914.....but just "stay on the watch....we don't know the day or hour."

    My active wife had no clue there has been yet another change in generation doctrine, as she like most dubs don't read the mags til they have to. I have heard no mention of it by others either, though I doubt they would say anything to me about it. This is a huge contrast to the big change back in 1995....anybody else hear much yet about it?

    I do think last spring (march or may?) it was a major doctrinal change to open heaven back up and claim that the 144k are still being called up! The last days will last and last and last as long as that number is growing........................oompa

  • nomoreguilt

    I have put some serious thought to this Change over the last few days. Over the years the wts has always come out with New Light. And while being a faithful, unquestioning dub I just took everything in stride. WOW!! new light! Gee, the wts is so enlightened, they are relly god's chosen org. It's like being like a mouse in a box and every little morsel of food that you give the mouse in the box is deeply appreciated.

    But then if you let the mouse out of the box, he is FREE to realise that there is so much more food outside of the box that he actually was being DEPRIVED all the time that he was in the box. So, new Light, really isn't such, it's just another twist to make the MICE think that they are getting fresh food, and more nourishing at that.

    Now, they are getting more, fresher food. I really think that if I were still IN that I would be one who would be making a comment about or questioning this change. Some one has got to see that this is just another 3 card monty game being played on them. Sleight of hand is all that is being displayed here. Keep em guessing, wondering, when is the end really coming.

    Then, you come up with a follow-up hour long talk at the DC to solidify the New Light. Really, just watch and see what new info follows on the heals of this wt article. They are real wizards when it comes to razzle dazzle.


  • Alpaca

    Hey Mick,

    Thanks for the heads up on the the upcoming study article. I am completely out of touch with the week to week goings on in the Borg since I haven't set foot in a KH in almost 11 years.

    So, since you are still in could you keep us informed as to the overall mood of the R&F as they digest the fact that 1914 means absolutely nothing. It will be interesting to see how this affects those who already have serious doubts. It could result in fairly sizable exodus similar to the post-1975 purge.



  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Well I know if I had not yet woken up at this point I would be asking myself "Why did Jehovah give us false light back in '95?"

  • WTWizard

    Funny, we knew about it as apostates for several months before they found about it at the Kingdumb Hell.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Alex, I will be watching with interest next week. The overall mood in our hall is getting more and more depressed. We have a lot of young ones who are clearly going through some mental anguish. I just want to give them a hug and tell them it's OK.

  • ninja

    refresh my memory about this new light someone....thanks

  • oneairhead

    I have some words that the borg likes to use when describing new light:

    past truth present truth future truth..........

    past light present light future light..........

    it is just another way to justify......


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