The Watchtower Society has repeatedly said that Jesus and Satan have nothing in common. But, look at their basic actions and see for yourself.
Satan was setting the first human pair free. Free from what? God's rules--including rules that Satan saw that He was going to create, that would create problems and stagnation where none needed exist for the human race. And Satan is vilified in the Bible for this.
Jesus was setting humans free. From what? God's rules--including rules that the Pharisees and organized religion started. He was also setting them free from external authorities that were going to create problems and stagnation where none needed exist. And Jesus was exalted for this.
Why the discrepencies in how they are treated in the Bible? After all, they both did essentially the same liberating work. But, Satan was an invisible creature that God could blame instead of Himself for all man's problems. Jesus masterfully crafted his works so that any attempt to vilify him would have brought Jehovah the reputation of being a Tyrant (and a well-deserved one). Besides, Jehovah already had Satan to use as His scapegoat. No need to create more problems for Himself where none needed exist--besides, He could use Paul to corrupt Jesus' real teachings so He could use them to usurp value from mankind. Satan had no such "friend" that could corrupt his teachings--and thus Satan was more blatantly liberating than Jesus once everything is finished.
And, from what I have seen in the Bible, only Jesus and Satan refused to initiate the use of force, threat of force, coercion, or fraud against another being or their property. That is more than can be said about Jehovah, who is responsible for murdering whole nations for the heinous crime of not serving Him.