there has been several threads since the start of the war on afghanistan (and before it), concerning the issue of bin laden's guilt. many have seen the obvious, that he and those who harbor him, are guilty, and that the attacks on afghanistan are completely justified if not the only choice for the u.s. still others claim the ridiculous notion that "evidence" should have been presented to the taliban first, and a "trial" should have been held for bin laden before any actions were taken. i realize most readers on this forum could care less, and the fact remains that the few of us who have argued these points are pretty tired of talking in circles. i thought id post this anyway, in case not everyone has seen it. its a link to the new evidence released by the british government proving almost unequivically bin laden's guilt, and also showing that even had the u.s. presented evidence to the taliban, all signs show they wouldve taken no actions against their golden boy bin laden (the report shows that evidence was presented to them in the past, for the 98 bombings, yet they refused to take action against him). anyhow, if anyone is interested, click here >>>
after reading this report (there is a summary version, and the full text version), if youd still like to make some preposterous suggestion that we "shouldve" done this or "shouldve" done that, or a suggestion of bin ladens possible innocence, please feel free.