Hey A & G, Quirky1 here! Nice to know you read my thread!
This is kind of an update of my situation and maybe you can bounce off of it in your scenario. Too much like Deja Vu isn't it?
Me and the wife had a long heated discussion and some emphasis on my part that I "Was" not returning to that kind of life or would I step foot in the KH again and if she was unable to live with that then we had better get a divorce. She chose the latter but said she would not file for it but would sign it. After a day or two of thinking she came back and said she would like to try to work thru it.
Well, like you my wife just recently found me on JWD and went a little bezerk, like yours, except I don't think she wanted to hit me with the keyboard. She mentioned that this was an apostate site.I stuck to my guns and remained on because I was in the middle of Werewolf XXII. She left me alone and hasn't questioned it since but I think for some strange reason it was more of a jealous reaction. Internet affairs and sex and such...Go figure.
So far we have been very understanding of each others wishes and life goes on. It is hard to throw away 24 years together. She goes to the KH, meetings & field circus. I have been trying to do my own thing too. I have been reconnecting with family and hunting while she is gone. I am looking into doing some reading and some other things I have wanted to do for a long time but time did not allow being a JW.
I cannot say what your future or mine holds but I don't want to give up on my best freind. We have been thru a lot together and I just realized this recently. Just maybe she'll wake up one of these days and that is all I can hope for.