Tough Questions for Jehovah's Witnesses are now up on Youtube...

by Tuesday 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tuesday

    Thanks for the feedback again, I just recorded some more videos asking questions so I'll try to get them a little more snazzy for future videos. In re-watching them I think I went into my Tim Kilgore promo voice, which is interesting to say the least. It's like some weird mix between Raven and Roddy Piper, which since Raven was essentially copying Piper I guess I'm really just a watered down Roddy Piper. I'm guessing if I split in some pictures in-between the footage of me speaking that would be a little more interesting and keep people's interest up?

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I don't know what to suggest specifically. I know what appeals to me - have you seen Watchtower Comments videos? Could the questions be delivered with audio and graphics instead of an on camera dialogue?

    Look at this one for example:

    Great idea - keep it up.


  • Tuesday

    Yeah, Watchtower Comments is pretty amazing. Actually what I'm going for is a little different it's actually a offshoot of "Tough Questions For Christians" check out his videos are what I'm trying to emulate. I tried some new lighting where I was recording and if these aren't good I'll just move location. I love the Watchtower Comments I don't want to just copy it though, as you see with the opening that I did I'm fairly sure I could do something rather similar. I think it kind of has to be the camera shoot in order to get onto the podcast I'm shooting to get on.

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