Well, I think it could be to do with the way in which you have experienced being in a high control group (cult). For example: Cult's often impinge on our sense of self, demanding that we eat, act, dress etc... a certain way. However, the most damaging area is when they take control over our thinking ability, this is by far the most cruel and demeaning violation of our individuality.
We all have our own sense of self...we often say things like; 'I'm not feeling myself today or 'it's not like me to...' High control groups dismiss our unique self, belittling the way we think and feel by demanding that we all become like the borg. This in turn has a very deep and wounding affect on us either consciously or unconsciously because it fails to validate our own worth.Unconditional love and support is a fundermental requirement in human growth because through it, it allows us the strenghth to love ourselves.
when you hear lyrics such as ' Jesus take the wheel' there is a suggestion that you are to sacrifice a part of your self? Maybe your experience of sacrificing a part of who you are was a very painful one....because you were not treated kindly but rather you were disregarded. perhaps when you hear words to songs like these there is deep unconscious stiring of past hurts?
The organization in affects says ' come to me, I am the way the truth and the light... and then plunges you into total darkness! it also says Come to me all you who are toiling and loaded down and you will find refreshments for your souls.....and then makes your burden 10x's the weight!
No wonder your soul flinches when you hear anything to do with surendering any part of who you are!
take good care of yourself...