Going to the Prom not allowed as a JW

by odie67 34 Replies latest jw experiences

  • shopaholic

    I went to my prom...with my cousin. Yep, I got asked by a number of boys but could only go if I took my cousin. I knew a few other witness kids that lied about going to gathering at a JW house but actually went there to change their clothes and headed to the prom.

    In my area there were "JW proms" where a couple of families would get together, rent a banquet hall and invite a bunch of people (teens and adults). Just like a real prom, you had to pay for a ticket to go the the "JW prom". Folks would buy formal attire and everything. I didn't go to any of the JW proms as I thought they were a waste of time. There were plenty of local needs talks about these types of imitation proms and they eventually stopped after a few years.

  • Bobbi

    I graduated in 1993 and there was no way I was going to be allowed to go to my prom. The only reason I was allowed to go to my graduation ceremony was my father was not a witness at the time. My grand mother didn't want to go so she faked a heart attack. My dad called her bluff and they came but my dad was so angry he only took one picture. We sat crammed into the car after while my grandparents gave me a present and we were home by 7:30. I was so disappointed since actually graduating was proof of a lot of hard work and I thought they would care more.

    I was allowed to go to my graduation dinner. I also think my father had something to do with that. I never even asked to go but I did mention it at the supper table one night and that most of my friends were going. One of the best nights of my life.

    Witness kids have it tough now. The borg keeps them so isolated that they rarely have a chance to see what the real world is like. One of my friends accused me of being selfish and of not loving my children. She hopes her children never go to preschool. She is sure the end will be here soon. I signed my middle son up for soccer this spring. If the end comes, at least he will have have done something fun.


  • WTWizard

    It was discussed once in a drama at a Grand Boasting Session. It is one of those things that the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger does not want children to enjoy. Anything that involves two people of the opposite sex getting together is forbidden, usually with an unwritten rule (so no one can ever prove such a rule exists).

    People that break that rule are usually hounded to death. Depending on where you are going to the Kingdumb Hell, the punishment can range from a talking to, a suspension of "privileges", being "marked", stepped up houndings, and being threatened with getting disfellowshipped. As with college, it does vary depending on the hounders--and the hounder-hounder sometimes initiates crackdowns so people are forced to comply because they will be hounded to death until they agree to not go.

  • sir82

    Don't know if anyone remembers this...

    Going to prom was looked down upon, but not officially "forbidden" in print until 1983, with the "School and Jehovah's Witnesses" brochure, which explicitly stated something like "Jehovah's Witnesses do not go to school dances".

    Up until 1983, if the congregation and/or the parents were more liberal, a JW could get away with going to prom, so long as he/she went with another JW.

    Of course, in a typical US high school, there were usually no more than 4 or 5 JWs (if that many), so the odds of having someone in your congregation that you wanted to go with were pretty small.

    So every spring, there would be a mass migration of teenage JWs skipping from one congregation to another on Sundays, "just visiting", but really scouting out potential dates for the prom. If someone caught his/her eye, he'd try to wrangle an invitation to lunch after the meeting, exchange phone nos., etc.

    Of course this wildebeest JW migration came to end after 1983.

    Does any other old-timer remember this? Or was it just a local phenomenon?

  • hillbilly

    i guess it depends on what town your from. My congo would have had a stroke over it...across the river in SE MO I took my girlfreind to hers.

    I figure it's "officially frowned on" but so many JW rules are unwritten...


  • Junction-Guy

    I remember when that stupid brochure came out.

  • chickpea

    i remember with the older 2 kids ( while i was still assimilated) actively discouraging attendance but not forbidding it.....

    the younger 2 just went to prom last week..... even hosted a pre-prom dinner at the house!

    ohhhh how times have changed for those who have "snapped out of it"

  • SirNose586

    I heard that my prom wasn't all that great. I did have two willing candidates....both decently attractive. So too bad, but what can I do? It's water under the bridge.

  • undercover

    I remember the proms becoming targeted around the mid-70s or so. I didn't go to mine because it was fresh counsel from the Society in the minds of parents/elders when mine came around.

    A couple of my friends did go anyway though they were looked down for doing so.

    My sister went to hers several years later when the commotion about them had died down somewhat...but she had to go with a JW brother and another JW couple...she wasn't allowed to go with a "worldly" boy or "worldly" friends.

  • skeeter1

    I went to my prom. But, I had already turned in my "publisher" card, and told the elders I didn't care to be a publisher anymore. I was dragged to the Memorial, though.


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