"Life is too short", "carpe diem", "Eat, drink, and be merry...", "Never put off till tomorrow..." We have all heard these phrases, taken them to heart, and burned ourselves out on the stress from them. I say...screw that shite! The only thing keeping me from jumping out the window of my 6th story apt or driving my car into the back of one of the Metro buses on the beltway is knowing that, if one of those actions do take place, I won't be able to nap that afternoon. Naps have become a daily occurance for me and I find myself looking forward to them at around 10:30am.
I experienced the most delightful nap over the weekend. My windows were open letting a cool breeze into the room, the ceiling fan was running, my blanket was freshly washed and smelled of white lillys (tide), and it was, surprisingly, quite quiet in the neighborhood for a weekend afternoon. There have been few experiences in my life that I wished to capture in time and revisit, and let me tell you, that nap is in the top 5!
Should I be concerned that I am the happiest when I am unconscious? Who cares? I am using it as a stress reliever, am not hurting myself or anyone else, and am able to stay out of trouble. I could be doing a lot worse.
Here's to everyone getting a delicious nap, today, tomorrow, or some other time the future!