Is Windows Something That You Do Do?

by compound complex 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    The Wonderful World of the Windows Grime


    Airfare to England, room and board - you get clean windows at no extra charge!


    You score cuz WINDOWS is my other love (I just 'opened a window" in order to reply to youse three kids).


    Be careful of your noggin. Henry Hoover, we be mates too.

    Gratitude and such stuff ...

    CoCo and the Brothers Grime

  • flipper

    CoCO - I'd be remiss not to reply on your thread buddy ! How ya doin'? Good to hear you are busy with the window washing and your other " work " endeavors ! Yes- as you know I've been self employed in the commercial janitorial work now over 25 years - things are going well. Just picked up a big $ 800.00 per month account about 30 miles from where I live. And yes I do windows, commercial and residential !

    If the residence is a big cleanup job for a house being sold ; or new home construction, the charge on the windows can add more amount to the total bid ! But even when I just bid ( only ) on residential windows - my bids will range from $150.00 for a medium size house inside and out, including screens , and for a bigger 2 story house I have charged anywhere from upwards of $275.00 to almost $ 400.00 on huge houses. So, it can certainly vary - as I'm sure you have found out

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    The Wonderful Yadda Yadda ...

    Mr. Flipper:

    This thread wouldn't be complete w/o your input! I appreciate your rundown on the going rate. Since I do this for a hobby and as a means to keep my hands spotless, I haven't kept abreast with what is current. But I get by.
    I'm glad it's doing so well for you!

    Thanks again, my friend.


  • DJK

    I do windows. I have two doors that are full length glass and the dogs nose prints have to be washed often. I have a large picture window with a large storm pane. I haven't washed the inside of the storm pane and the outside of the picture window because its a two person job to remove the storm pane. Not sure my wife can help; someday I'll wrangle some unsuspecting visitor to help me.

  • chickpea

    hah!!! i know mullions as i had to fabricate one during a remodeling job!

    i do do ( we are saying do do ) my own windows as there are 20 regular casement, 16 ft (wide)patio door, plus the upper fixed windows ( cathedral ceiling height) and 2 additional picture windows plus a full glass door and two 3/4 glass doors ..... multiplied by 2 for both sides!!!

    mr flipper can do the math, but i am so not paying for work i can still do myself

  • compound complex
    compound complex


    I have the same thing facing me - the removal of huge, magnetized storm windows. It definitely requires 4 hands, like some piano pieces that I teach! Thanks ...


  • chickpea

    that practically impervious dog nose smear is known as pupkiss.....

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    I would do windows if I could get the work - but I could only do ground floor ones cuz I'm scared of heights

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