This group is for anyone who was raised as, studied to become or actually became a Jehovahs Witness at some point in their lives but has now left and not looked back, or for current JWs who can't wait to leave, especially those poor souls who have to lead a double life until they can leave home and get the fuck away from that freaky nasty cult.
Oh, and if you're a current JW looking for trouble I'll delete your ass (or disfellowship you, if you prefer that terminology) without a second thought.
Yay being out and WORLDLY! W00T!
>>edited to add:
If you think you're being smart by messaging me privately to give me crap about being a exJW you'll find out very smartly how it feels to have your ass handed to you, by me. Also, you'll without fail be reported to FB who don't take kindly to harrassing emails, and it could result in you having your FB account deleted. Just so we're clear.
lol defo not for me :) I think I'll pass on this one!