Hi to everyone at JWD. I have been "offline" for about 3 Months. Had to leave my wife and the in-laws behind. As they are JW's and i was disfellowshipped ( Still am ),i found it impossible to live there anymore. Now living with a workmate in a nice unit with a swimming pool and spa! I have a beautiful girlfriend and a new chapter has begun. So for those who are going through hard times getting out : It IS possible, and you will come out the other side stronger! Regards FF
a new life
by freedomfighter 11 Replies latest jw friends
So Happy for you....!!!!!
Congratulations for taking your life back, and finding happiness...
FREEDOM FIGHTER- Welcome , and I hope you find some peace and comfort in your new life now ! It's hard - I know, been there done that ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Wow, freedom fighter..you have been busy!!!
I can relate to you leaving behind your old life & starting a new one with a different person that is not a JW. I know that you will finally have peace & a very happy life ahead of you. I wish you all the best with your new relationship and the start of your new life!!!!!!!!!
That is the good part of being disfellowshipped. Worldly people don't have it in their best interests to have you going to all those boasting sessions and putting more time in field circus. They won't be hounding you "Have you got your room for the Grand Boasting Session yet?" "Have you got the time off to go to all three days of the Grand Boasting Session?" "When are you going to start pioneering?" "Why don't you join the Value Destroyer Training School?" "What about going to Beth Hell?"
Better to simply live your life, and think for yourself.
Here's to your new life
All the very best!!!!
Always so nice to read about a happy ending:-)
Wishing you much love and happiness in your new life. -
I bet the process of leaving was tough - I'm glad you landed on your feet, met some nice new folks and can create a new life. congratulations!
Over the wall. AWOL Gone for donuts. (ask me to explain that one sometime) Welcome to this side of things.
Over the wall.
Gone for donuts. (ask me to explain that one sometime)
Welcome to this side of things.