How bout a post that makes sense.
Children killed by bear and a kind God
by mindfield 18 Replies latest jw friends
Rex wrote, "He proved Himself God in the flesh by His resurrection, therefore any claims against the Bible MUST be false....."
This is begging the question, which is the fallacy of assuming to be true the very point in contention. In arguing that the Bible is true, Rex points to the Bible story of the resurrection as proof.
What extrabiblical, first-century, disinterested testimony can Rex point to that shows that the "Jesus" described in the gospels existed and was crucified, then resurrected?
re: the lot / sodomite thing: I can't remember where it is but there is another account that is very similar to this (seems to be a kind of 'biblical urban myth') where some super-duper righteous dude sends a poor woman out to be gang raped and murdered. Doesn't jehovahs pick great followers? Just like Hitler really...
try Joseph - it always struck me as being a bit dumb when the reasoning book (I think?) told us how to get round objections that the bible wasn't the word of god...
"turn to scripture and read 'the bible is the word of god'"
Wohoo... what further proof do people need?
"Frank wrote this" - now let's go kiss his ass
Rex B13
>This is begging the question, which is the fallacy of assuming to be true the very point in contention. In arguing that the Bible is true, Rex points to the Bible story of the resurrection as proof.
Who begged you for a question? LOL Go somewhere else and show your alleged logical understanding. Weasel words about logic are useless and ignore the point of the message.
>What extrabiblical, first-century, disinterested testimony can Rex point to that shows that the "Jesus" described in the gospels existed and was crucified, then resurrected?
Try Josephus and about a dozen other historians, writers. Try a whole load of 1st and 2nd century letters referencing Jesus and the biblical events.
Try getting CNN to cover the outermost fringe of the Roman Empire where one man gets executed for claiming to be God, and whole raft of others that did the same thing yet we never hear of. If nothing happened then we should not have heard of it beyond a footnote in some historical work.
Jews NEVER DENIED His miracles but attributed them to Satan.
Why would the accounts have women discovering the tomb empty? If it's a myth then why try to convince people with the testimony of women? They were deemed unreliable in those days!
BTW, what "extra-historical, first-century, disinterested testimony" can be found for Julius Ceasar, Atilla the Hun, Alexander the Great, Napolean, Richard the Lion Hearted......etc.?
Jesus Christ and the events in Palestine bears much more testimony and historical facts than any other hisorical figure. Maybe you should read more than the "Jesus Seminar" report or atheist agenda web sites to get a balanced view?
Rex -
Rex B13
Hi Naeblis,
You are still afraid to believe or not believe, eh? Is God calling to you out of the heart of your soul? Don't ignore Him. You can use the site I posted anytime to find reasonable answers to your questions. Here also is a book list to check out:
Mere Christianity & Miracles.........C.S. Lewis
Christianity: a Witness of History......J.N. Anderson
the New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable?......F.F. Bruce
Evidence That Demands a Verdict (1 & 2)........Josh McDowell
History and Christianity........John Montgomery
Basic Christianity..........John Stott
Bible Explorer's Guide......John Phillips
Born Again.........Chuck ColsonSome highly intelligent ex-dubs have not abandoned the faith, Ed Dunlap (who died recently), Ray Franz, Jim Penton, Carl Johnson, Ron Frye.....You're getting a skewed view here because of the large numbers of agnostics/atheists. I respect them and their right not to believe and try not to get worked up too much.
By the way, the prophet in question used his power given by God. He may have misused his power so don't blame it on God.Moxy,
The site reference applies to you and David's census also. How God decides to judge cannot be critisized since:
1)you do not have all of the relevant facts
2)a created being cannot possibly understand his creator, nor his God's attributes which involve more than just 'love', there is also mercy, justice, holiness, wrath etc.
3)it is not reasonable to ignore some aspects of His almighty power and ultimate responsibility.He came to earth, fullfilled the messanic role and we are to pattern our lives after Him, being "saved by grace through faith and not works, lest none should boast." Old Testament objections are totally irrelevant to the issue since Christ is the fullfillment of the Law Covenant. The Law is simply a school master that leads us to Christ.
Rex -
I'm gonna go threaten the sodomize some poor dude. I might get lucky and have virgin girls thrown at me. Wish me luck.
'He proved Himself God in the flesh by His resurrection'
REX Do you believe jesus was resurected in the flesh? If so, it would seem that the simplest thing would be for jesus to appear to each of his followers, have a little talk, a coffee, a beer, whatever, just like he did w his followers. Remember, he cooked them breakfast? Is that too much to ask from a real live physical leader like jesus? Whats w all this coyness? I would think that being the gregarious people lover that he is, he would like nothing better than to spend the evening around the campfire singing songs w his worshippers, or roaming the streets w societys lowest level citizens like he did 2 milleniums ago. Rex, there is something wrong w your theology.
You claim he proved divinity in the flesh. That is based on words written 20-70 years after the fact. That isn't proof. It is words. Appearing physically to each born again follower is proof. Amen.