never thought i would see the day when the catholic church would make the WTS look bad. i wonder if the WTS will come out with something similar, apologizing. SIKE! LOL, yeah right. wow, life is funny. its amazing, that one of my criteria for a religion when i was studying was opposite of the catholic church, and while the church has 100's of more years of blood guilt, the WTS has their own, and is run much the same. oh well, weather you wake up at 30, or 60, or 90, as long as you wake up. thats all that matters.
wow, the Catholic freaking church is making the WTS look bad.
by yourmomma 18 Replies latest jw friends
I was born and raised catholic.
Very nice veneer...all gold:-)
But for instance...if you think JWs and pedophilia is bad, just have a look at the catholic religion. Badder than bad.
At this stage, I put all man made religions in the same basket.
But of course, that is only my own opinion. -
It isn't very hard. Though a Mormon group in Texas is taking the WT badness away here.
Homerovah the Almighty
Well at least its a step in the right direction, before this there was a policy in place that stated that pedophile priests were to be dealt with internally
and everyone within the church right from the top down is not let this problem go outside the church, in most cases the priests were just placed elsewhere
and unfortunately some re offended.
At least this pope has stated that they will now kick out any priest that commits this kind of crime.
One thing that has to be said with both religions is they have not come out and said we will report any pedophilia behavior to the proper authorities, without any kind of restraint.
Putting the message out strongly and clearly.
The WTS has now stated that we do not discouraged reporting this kind of behavior to the police, what I read into that is we will not reprimand anyone who does this but
we kind of hope anyone doesn't cause it will bring us bad publicity to the organization.
Vernon Williams
Can you name a "non-man made religion?"
I'd check this site and see if the Catholic Church's apology is really an apology.
Just a few
"Pope Begins U.S. Visit; Says He Is Ashamed of Sex Scandal"
"Pope Fails to Placate Abuse Victims"
Click here for the pope's record on abuse
"Pope lands in US, vows to fight clergy sex abuse"
"But will he talk to the victims?"
"Our view: Scandal warrants more than ‘particular’ attention"
Vernon Williams,
No, I cannot name a non man-made religion.
Then, allow me to re-phrase.
I should have said "I put all religions in the same basket" -
I'd check this site and see if the Catholic Church's apology is really an apology.
How much does an apology have to be to be an apology?
The Catholic Church screwed up big time, but they have done a great deal to make amends (not that the past can be changed).
I think the site is a bit slanted, even if I sympathize with the victims.
For many of these, it is likely that no apology will ever be enough.
How much does an apology have to be to be an apology?
The Catholic Church screwed up big time, but they have done a great deal to make amends (not that the past can be changed).
I think the site is a bit slanted, even if I sympathize with the victims.
For many of these, it is likely that no apology will ever be enough.
I agree. In fact, I think it is expecting way too much to expect a religion to admit to truly being wrong about something-anything-even child abuse. If they're wrong about one thing, there is plenty more they are wrong about (all things, really).
If you knew how much the Catholic Church has stonewalled and lied to the survivors and their families, any apologies are hollow. I have met many of these people and attended their conferences and they are not overboard in their goals to protect others from abuse, help those who were to heal.
I will agree that all institutions seem to respond the same way, to silence the victims, pretend it never happen, reward the abusers. Whether it is the WTS, the RC, or other groups, the goal seems to protect the organization's reputation not protect the abused.
The WTS and the RC are not unique.