The Death Penalty? What do you think?

by Country Girl 101 Replies latest jw friends

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    I, as most persons, think a sexual assault of a child is a very horrible thing. Like most parents, I would want to put the person to death that assaulted my child in that way, but is that just? I'm two ways about it: I feel for the child, and the child's family; but at the same time I am wondering if it is deserving of death? Maybe life in prison.. but the death penalty?

    I don't know. Tell me what you think.


  • PEC

    In my opinion pedophiles are the lowest form of human life. The problem is that no justice system is perfect, mistakes are made. A death sentence is permanent, there is no taking it back. Like it or not, when the state kills a innocent person, we all become murders. This is why, I can not support, the death penalty for anyone.


  • LtCmd.Lore
    Maybe life in prison.. but the death penalty?

    I certainly don't want MY tax dollars being used to feed, clothe, shelter and otherwise support this human.

    Maybe if they were forced to perform some kind of productive labor, grow food, or do SOMETHING other than lay around in a prison like a societal parasite sucking up our resources.

    Personally I think it would be much better to kill the creep and ship the money that we would otherwise spend on him to some starving children.

  • llbh

    In the UK we had the case of Sally Clarke who was convicted of killing two of her children, turns out she was innocent. Can you imagine that she loses two children then goes to prison for murder? She was later found innocent on appeal. If the penalty had taken place an appeal would be pontless.

    Lock up peadophiles for good and let them suffer there. the death penalty is to quick


  • LtCmd.Lore
    The problem is that no justice system is perfect, mistakes are made. A death sentence is permanent, there is no taking it back.

    That's the only problem I have with the death penalty.

    But what would be your opinion if we could be CERTAIN of guilt? Like if in 2030 we can just scan the last few moments of a persons memory to see who killed them, or analyze the memory of the accused and see the crime take place. Or if there was a video recording of the event?

    Would you support a dealth penalty in that case?

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl


    I understand your point of view. There are more than 100 people that have been released from Death row by the Innocence Project, which through the use of DNA has shown their innocence. It scares me that there are so many more awaiting their time on the row, and knowing they are innocent may be put to death. Don't get me wrong. I BELEIVE in the death penalty, but until the method for arriving at it is perfected, it seems not fair. I'm sorry. But one innocent man put to death, is one too many.

    As far as pedophiles: I think what they do is HORRIBLE, and deserving of the worst punishment. But death? I don't know. I was molested as a child, and yet I don't think the death penalty is a good punishment for them. To lock them up forever, so they can't get to their victims, is a far worse punishment, to me.


  • llbh
    To lock them up forever, so they can't get to their victims, is a far worse punishment, to me.

    I totally agree. Locked up for good is torment in itself


  • SacrificialLoon

    I agree with the sentiment that the state should not have the power to kill its own citizens.

  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll

    Personally I think it would be much better to kill the creep and ship the money that we would otherwise spend on him to some starving children.

    Children lie----How do you know for sure they did it. Children like to tell stories, or they like to get back at someone, not knowing what they are doing.

    The only way I would support a death penalty. If they killed someone and they had it on video or they said they did it.

  • JeffT

    The death penalty is a government program and the will screw it up. Lock them up, if later evidence exonerates them, you can still let them out. If they're guilty, they'll get where they're going soon enough.

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