Has anyone here heard of bible man the superhero.
My next door neighrbor's son told my daughter about this. I thought he was joking because the name sounds so corny. But he isn't.
by loosie 14 Replies latest social entertainment
Has anyone here heard of bible man the superhero.
My next door neighrbor's son told my daughter about this. I thought he was joking because the name sounds so corny. But he isn't.
I saw it at the Christian bookstore.
Of Course!!! I have his figure on my desk. It's hand-painted. I only have the purple costume one though, he has a really cool white and silver one too. Bibleman has some of the coolest villians out there. Also Bibleman was originally played by Willie Ames, from 8 is Enough and more importantly Buddy from Charles in Charge. If only Scott Baio would've played one of the villians.
On a side note the best Christian novelty product I saw was "Redemption" which was like magic but used bibical references. And you're saving lost souls. I still want to get that set!
Yeah, I actually tried to watch an episode once, out of curiosity. It's like driving past a really bad accident and having to look. The character was played by Willie Aames from Eight is Enough and Charles in Charge fame. What a resume he's acquired for himself.
Suicide is too good for these people... Maybe we'll luck out and they will bleed to death from anal sex?
Wow, what they don't think of next, I'll run right out and get some for the grand kids,
well whenever that happens.
And say they are on sale, I love a good sale!
Kids can create their own Bibleman adventures at home! Here's the 6" collectible Bibleman figure, readily equipped with the breastplate of righteousness, helmet of salvation, and sword of the Spirit!
So does he beat children with that rod?
I bet Powdered Toast Man could kick his butt.
lol I was helping out this next door neighbor. She is a little down on her luck right now. I was giving her a ride to get groceries. Then she proceeds to tell me how the world just has to end soon because things are so bad. I told her that this world has survived so many different things for thousands of years. She said yeah some people don't think the world is going to end, well those people better wake up.
I had JW flashbacks. I almost drove her to the KH.
Maybe bible man is going to come fix it all.
She is a little down on her luck right now. I was giving her a ride to get groceries
That is really sweet of you to do, especially since it's a "Wordly Person".
I had JW flashbacks. I almost drove her to the KH
That gave me a chuckle!