$1 says it's nothing again!
huge announcement after the Watchtower study on the 27 of April?
by Dogpatch 140 Replies latest jw friends
I think they are going to have Bingo immediately after the Circus Meeting.
I have a suggestion for the name of the apostate firewall....."keep Ray at bay"
Here's a clue - my birthday is on the 26th and I go holdiay on the 27th
sacolton: The end is near?
that was my guess
My guess: "You now can receive talks on your I-Pod nano!" or "We have MP3 Kingdom Melodies pre-loaded..."
My Vote... They will no longer be printing any of their publications. It will be outsourced instead to private printing firms.
The private firms will "naturally" have to charge a commercial rate for the publications. They will no longer have to depend on donations that don't seem to be coming in fast enough.
They naturally will get a "kickback" from the profits. They can sell off a lot of their infastructure,downsize drastically and still keep a great cash flow coming in.
Remember who gave you the inside information first.
Mickey mouse
It will be about the tract campaign later in the year. I think the announcement in 2005 was about the "end of false religion" tract campaign.
Mickey mouse
My bad - the "end of false religion" campaign was '06. I could have sworn it was longer ago. Time passes slowly when you hate your life.
Funny how real news, like the generation change, just gets slipped past the comatose multitudes without fanfare.
Or the pedophile scandal - doesn't get announced at all.
How right you are!!!! Couldn't be another "generation" change.....