I think when you learn about group dymanics and the pressure being in a group, especially a cult that relies on supernatural unsubstianted things, over time reality becomes distorted and irrational behavior ensues.
My dad just came out... as one of the annointed
by Pwned 47 Replies latest jw friends
Awakened at Gilead
I think when you learn about group dymanics and the pressure being in a group, especially a cult that relies on supernatural unsubstianted things, over time reality becomes distorted and irrational behavior ensues.
Well put... A@G
Congratulations. Good to have connections in high places. Gotta suck for your mom though.
Dude, he's just a guy who wants to be Jesus' bride and have spiritual intercourse with him, not that there's anything wrong with that.
Note to Self: Do not Read any more of Nathan's comments while drinking
maybe he is making a run for the GB, lol. he has always been a humble "good" elder, genuinely interested in helping the flock, he has never been a glory hound or anything in fact he never even was PO when I was growing up, not sure about now. i guess my mom has come to terms with it and they both feel that they will still be in touch somehow, not sure if thats 'new light' or something but i don't remember it working that way.
I can totally see my ex-husband who is a very anal JW doing something like this so he can cope with his choices in that religion. I feel sorry for him because happiness has always alluded him on any real level.
Gotta suck for your mom though.
That hadn't occurred to me.
Everyone who becomes anointed leaves a "Great Crowd Widow/Widower"
Aside from that I actually hope that the floodgates open. A Great Crowd which was smaller than the Little Flock would be highly amusing.
good way of getting out of a loveless marriage!
Just remember:
"The partakers are not special"
Only the GB is.
Nobody could ever explain the whole, " I go to heaven ,but sorry honey you will stay and help clean up dead bodys after the big A " thing to me without sounding like they had no clue.
The one annointed I knew was so out there that most believed they were crazy. I can only think that the ones that do decide to claim to be annointed are starved for attention and will for sure get it ,From #1 other loose nuts who believe them or #2 loose nuts that don't.