What does espresso have to do with God's message?!?!? Well nothing but they wrote about it anyway. Hey at least they didn't say espresso isn't for Christians.
Espresso article on WT website
by loosie 16 Replies latest watchtower bible
Ugh. I know it's childish, but even though I love espresso, I can't stand to even be ON their site, let alone reading their inane and horrible writing! Besides, I'm sure they said something annoying about not drinking too much of it or getting addicted or making our bodies a temple or something equally prissy and stupid.
I never liked those types of articles.
I liked the Watching the World and the experiences.
Well, most of the experiences anyways... Wonder if they would irritate me if I read them now...
Surprisingly enough they don't say anything negative in the article. I find it a little silly so long after the fact that almost everyone has known how to make expresso for years.
As far as I could determine, there was not one single scriptural verse that was cited. I left the organization some thirty years ago, it's true. But from what I remember of reading the magazines, they always managed to slip at least one irrelevant bible verse into any article whatsoever, no matter the subject, as if they were following some unwritten, implcit rule that said that at least one bible verse had to be included in every published article. That is evidently no longer the case.
cognac: I liked the Watching the World and the experiences.
Well, most of the experiences anyways... Wonder if they would irritate me if I read them now...
They probably would. I've found that the experiences give the WTS a chance to say things they could not get away with if they were using their own words. It's a way for the WT to say something, while denying they ever said it.
For example... the WT could never get away with saying that God sometimes kills those who oppose the preaching work (other than at Armageddon of course).
However, if it's related as part of an experience... well that's not the WT's official position... it's just one person's experience. But since it's obviously approved by the WTS and in the publication, therefore it is part of the 'food at the proper time' from Jehovah himself and everyone believes it.
In the March 1, 1972 Watchtower:
I met a man who said: “I am a clergyman. I have preached against you people before and I will do so again.” Although only seventeen years old at the time, I feared Jehovah and with deep concern replied: “I would be afraid to do that, sir, lest God would strike me dead.” Not long afterward I met one of the parishioners of this clergyman. She told me she left the church during the sermon he preached against the Bible Students as “I did not like what he was saying.” Thus she missed a sobering incident. While attacking Jehovah’s people from his pulpit, the clergyman died. The newspapers announced his death was from a heart attack.
It is certainly strongly implied that God struck the clergyman dead for his opposition to the Watchtower. The WTS could never make this claim with its own voice. So it used one of its victims'. Classy.
Awakened at Gilead
However, if it's related as part of an experience... well that's not the WT's official position... it's just one person's experience. But since it's obviously approved by the WTS and in the publication, therefore it is part of the 'food at the proper time' from Jehovah himself and everyone believes it.
I remember as an elder doing the same thing. There were things that I could not say from the platform, but I was happy if someone said it in their comments (i.e. what was considered modest dress, etc.) I couldn't make rules but allowed the congregation to make them up.
I'm glad to be free of all this indoctrination.
Hi Fadeout:
It is certainly strongly implied that God struck the clergyman dead for his opposition to the Watchtower. The WTS could never make this claim with its own voice. So it used one of its victims'. Classy.
Interesting. But if you're of the "anointed" you believe things like that. They think America was founded so they can set up the worldwide preaching work. I mean, I can see that in the overall big picture, but this is what you get told when you visit Bethel and take the tour! I was sort of surprised but understood it better when I became anointed. Some of the stories make sense, like about how the Bible sort of seems to speak to you directly? Plus everybody has heard about those bricklayers who didn't want to do the job right on some building there and how a train derailed or something and smashed into the building destroying the work so that they had to do it all over again! But I do the same thing. Fred Franz died just 2 days before the second coming on December 23, 1992. I doubt that's a coincidence. JC
apparently most people still do not know how to spell e-s-p-r-e-s-s-o. No X in espresso.
Whoops. I guess it might help if I drank it.