where did the rock come from?
I'm reasonably sure that would be out of your head?
by real one 108 Replies latest jw friends
where did the rock come from?
I'm reasonably sure that would be out of your head?
Caedes says:
if you are happy with such a limited 'god' then good for you.
why do you call God limited? do you know that God can wipe you off the face of this earth at anytime he pleases? do you know you are just dust. wait until Armageddon, if you are here you will have all the proof you need but i dont know if you will believe then. i know you dont believe in Armageddon and thats ok i dont believe in santa clause
Caedes says:
I'm reasonably sure that would be out of your head
do you have any proof of that?
You would have to read the context and the post I was replying to.
I am fully aware that you believe in a different kind of god who can't wait to murder those who use their god given brains to reject magical thinking. Some other people believe in a god who is a little more sophisticated than that.
do you have any proof of that?
I would say that any one of your posts should be sufficient!
if you are happy with such a limited 'god' then good for you
Ideas are one of the most unlimited things going. Or are you speaking about your ideas?
You can argue semantics and twist theism as much as you like,
I know, it's fun isn't it? And who is arguing semantics if you are now telling me how to define theism? If I am twisting it, that means you're telling me my ideas of god don't conform with the preconceptions about god (that you don't believe in). Funny.
but if your god is in anyway outside the realm of the natural physical world then I am entitled to reject your god due to lack of evidence
Yeah, but the inside of my head is inside the real of the natural physical world. It was the point I was making. Keep up
If you wish to worship natural forces then I can make you an altar to gravity (or the natural force or idea of your choice) for a very reasonable fee.
The assumption 'god' is connected to either religion or worship is unfounded.
Religion is a social control tool and often a form of income generation that harnesses the logical development of the idea of god in sentient beings. It is parasitical.
Whilst god is just as much a meme, it is arguably mutualistic or commensalistic, although curiously as one half is in the realm of thought it is a one-sided internalised symbiosis.
And whilst there is obviously no measurable force connecting people (which I did kind of explictly say, so why you're going down the 'natural force' path I don't know), we are also unarguably connected, by our thoughts. Even without any weird spooky effect or supernatural power my thoughts obviously effect you. Thus it really is quite reasonable to call this connection between sentient creatures, 'god'. You could also call it 'sponge bob square pants', true.
real one
where did the rock come from?
There is an answer to that but as you are a presuppositionalist it's a waste of time indulging your conceit that you are having a proper discussion with me.
You have, on the basis of no decent proof whatsoever, decided you are right and have ignored that other people with different gods have the same level of certainty with the same lack of proof.
You don't discuss things; all you do is look for another opportunity to say something you think is relevent or apt whilst you ignore thinking about what is said to you.
do you know that God can wipe you off the face of this earth at anytime he pleases?
That's disgusting. Who gave you the right to act as god's spokesperson and threaten others? To think you probably call yourself a Christian, and then act like that. This isn't about god really, it's about people conforming to your opinion. You commit idolatry and worship yourself rather than accepting just how different 'god' can be when compared to the ignorent supersticions you were raised on.
' Where did the rock come from? '......Where did God come from?
if you are happy with such a limited 'god' then good for youIdeas are one of the most unlimited things going. Or are you speaking about your ideas?
If you wish to limit your god to a concept or an idea rather than an omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent supernatural being that created the universe, then by any definition of the word limit what I have said applies. I quite agree that ideas can be almost unlimited, but however you cut it your concept of god is not as 'large' as the concept of god as understood by most people.
Yes my 'ideas' or atheism (whatever you wish to call it) is limited, to empirical facts and reason and the natural universe we see around us.
I know, it's fun isn't it? And who is arguing semantics if you are now telling me how to define theism? If I am twisting it, that means you're telling me my ideas of god don't conform with the preconceptions about god (that you don't believe in). Funny.
Yeah, but the inside of my head is inside the real of the natural physical world. It was the point I was making. Keep up
Fair point, you are free to define theism as you wish, that doesn't change the fact that the accepted definition is a belief in a supernatural god. I have an imagination, that I can conceive of something does not make it real (or that winning lottery ticket would be sat in my wallet right now...needless to say I don't have to check my wallet to verify the facts of the situation).
The assumption 'god' is connected to either religion or worship is unfounded.
Religion is a social control tool and often a form of income generation that harnesses the logical development of the idea of god in sentient beings. It is parasitical.
Whilst god is just as much a meme, it is arguably mutualistic or commensalistic, although curiously as one half is in the realm of thought it is a one-sided internalised symbiosis.
And whilst there is obviously no measurable force connecting people (which I did kind of explictly say, so why you're going down the 'natural force' path I don't know), we are also unarguably connected, by our thoughts. Even without any weird spooky effect or supernatural power my thoughts obviously effect you. Thus it really is quite reasonable to call this connection between sentient creatures, 'god'. You could also call it 'sponge bob square pants', true.
It is not unfounded as every church I drive past can testify to. Whilst I wouldn't deny that for some people their spirituality does not require a church or specific acts of worship does not change the fact that for the majority of theists the connection is very real indeed.
You'll get no argument from me regarding your second point.
So you are saying it is all just in your mind? that was my original point wasn't it?
Lastly, I would rather just call it communication rather than use loaded terminology that everyone uses for something else. I don't suppose Nickelodeon would want to change all their merchandising.
That is a weak argument. That which has a beginning has a cause. The rock had a beginning therefore it came from something. God has no beginning therefore he did not come from anything.' Where did the rock come from? '......Where did God come from?
I believe in LIFE. It seems reasonable to believe that LIFE happened in our galaxy just as it could happen on another planet in another galaxy unknown to us. LIFE happened on our planet and thats all we have. If this LIFE we have has a source then it has made itself scarce.
(Until someone shows me it is reasonable to believe the gross insanity of the Bible, such as YHWH bringing animals to Adam for him to choose a wife .or....YHWH sending a bear to kill children for calling HIS prophet "baldy"...ect, ect,...then I have no other alternative but to put myself in the agnostic category.)