My little sister just called to inform me the she has completed her baptism questions and is scheduled to get dunked in a few months. There's not really anything I can do or say about it because she's a minor and in my oppinion not old enough to make any life long commitment. Anyone have a similar situation? How do you handle it? Did you attend?
Sister getting baptized.....
by searchingforfriends 13 Replies latest jw friends
Sorry about your sister, but AT LEAST let her know JW's actually do have THEIR OWN Bible. If I had known that one fact, that we had CHANGED the Bible...adding the name Jehovah to it 237 times, and in MANY, MANY places where the Christian Greek Scriptures are NOT quoting anything from the Hebrew Scriptures, it would have at least sent up a red flag prior to my teenage baptism. NOBODY has the right to change the Bible....even a kid can understand that............oompa
Unfortunately I fear that part of her reason for this is seeking parental approval. She's not even a teen yet. She's still at that age where she will believe anything mom and dad tell her.
Bumble Bee
Sounds like there is no way you can change or stop this baptism. Are you or were you a JW? Has she asked you to go and see her baptized? If there is ANY way you can reason with her to even postpone things, I'd do that, but you have to be careful you don't alienate her. The best thing you can do is just be there for her, and maybe "plant some seeds" as she gets older and starts thinking for herself. It's always good to have someone on the "outside".
I was raised a dub, but have been fading. She did ask me to go, and I told her I will. Even though I don't want this to happen, I feel like she is doing what she thinks is right and is very excited about it, I want to let her have her day and enjoy it even though it will be hard to watch. Thanks for the advice, I think planting little seeds over time and being there for her when she decides it is not the truth is the best way to go given the delicate nature of the situation. (I don't want my parents deciding that I am too much of a threat to her spirituality.)
How minor is she?? Age? There are soooo many advantages to never taking the can get instantly complicated for many if she turns normal in a moment of weakness and actually has some fun....just asked my son still df'd as a teenager after being dunked for less than a year........................oompa
Bumble Bee
Then I agree, you have to tread carefully to keep the lines of communication open. Go, support your sister, and stay close to her as she gets older and starts thinking. The teen years are rough years, and that's when she'll start to exert her independance from your parents. Bide your time, plant the seeds, keep your relationship strong, and let her know you are there for her no matter what, that she can talk to you about anything and not fear being turned into your parents or the elders. That is very important, that she can have someone that she trusts completely with any doubts or problems she may be having.
Being that this is a membership initiation rite and she is not an is not legally binding
Keep that in mind when she calls you about her JC.
Thanks for all of the comments, it helps to know I am not the only one dealing with this sort of thing.
real one
oompa im with you on that. I was told it was a different Bible but when comparing the scriptures i did not see the truth because i didnt know which scriptures had been changed. I dont know if that would have made a difference if i knew anyway. hopefully you can try to say something to her like your being baptised in the name of Jehovah's spirit filled org, where does it say that in the Bible?